50-jahre-spurensuche.de Verified 200 OK (just now) 932.0kB png / 84.9kB webp (91%)
For the 50th anniversary of the Federal President's History Competition, we developed a microsite that presents outstanding contributions, people and backgrounds from 50 years of the competition. The website was designed by Basics09 and the basic structure of the site, an accordion, is inspired by the archive and classification systems of the History Competition. In implementing the unusual and sophisticated user interface, we focused on ease of use and accessibility. The content elements are managed using PageTableNext. For geocoding we use the FieldtypeGeocoder module. The frontend submission forms are created using FormBuilder and passed to the Vue.js application via a separate endpoint using the FormBuilder::exportJSON function. In the frontend, the form configuration data is parsed and the form is reassembled into individual components. For all other queries, we used Dadish's ProcessGraphQL module.
- Made by
- Basics09 & Neue Rituale
- Categories
- Education
- Museum
- Non-profits