• Systemic Disorder. Doctors and Patients in Nazi Germany

    Systemic Disorder. Doctors and Patients in Nazi Germany



    The Nazi takeover of Germany in 1933 led to profound changes in all areas of society—including the healthcare system. By presenting individual case studies, the exhibition “Systemic Disorder: Doctors and Patients in Nazi Germany” demonstrates how…

  • Das Denktoriat

    Das Denktoriat


    typneun Designagentur

    Denktoriat. is a free service provided by the Catholic District Education Centre in Freising, a large institution for adult education. It is aimed at leaders in the field of education and is constantly being expanded. The main author is Ernst…

  • Kunstgeschichte unterwegs

    Kunstgeschichte unterwegs


    designconcepts GmbH

    Discover the art history of Freiburg Minster in Germany with an illustrated tour, audio guides, excursions and background information.

  • Der Schulfreund

    Der Schulfreund


    Jürgen K.

    A small site for a learning institute in Linz / Upper Austria.

  • People & Planet

    People & Planet


    Rich Lott / Artful Robot

    Site of a grassroots UK student network campaigning against oppression and injustice.

  • Gesellschaft für Exilforschung

    Gesellschaft für Exilforschung



    The Gesellschaft für Exilforschung e.V. (GfE) sees itself as a platform for the coordination, networking and visualization of interdisciplinary research into German-speaking exile since 1933 and its consequences up to the present day.

  • San Francisco Contemporary Music Players

    San Francisco Contemporary Music Players


    Marc Wolf

    San Francisco Contemporary Music Players is the Northern California’s most longstanding and largest new music ensemble, comprised of twenty-two highly skilled musicians. For more than 50 years, the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players have…

  • Brainboxx



    Kris Lüdemann web & interaction design

    The website BRAINBOXX offers various training programs and seminars, such as Mimikresonanz® and emTrace®, aimed at enhancing emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, and mental well-being. It was relaunched to feature a new booking…

  • Michahelles Coaching

    Michahelles Coaching


    Intermundia GmbH

    Beratung, Unterstützung und Begleitung für Erwachsene und für Kinder

  • Bromacker



    Timo Hausmann

    The heart of this project is an interactive 3D scan of a dinosaur excavation site, where many bones and entire skeletons have been found. It was created in cooperation with the Natural History Museum of Berlin, features many short videos to give…

  • 50 Jahre Spurensuche

    50 Jahre Spurensuche


    Basics09 & Neue Rituale

    For the 50th anniversary of the Federal President's History Competition, we developed a microsite that presents outstanding contributions, people and backgrounds from 50 years of the competition. The website was designed by Basics09 and the basic…

  • Fleischerschule Bayern

    Fleischerschule Bayern


    Kasper Communications GmbH

    With the Education Center of the Butcher's Trade, the Butcher's Association of Bavaria has a training and further education facility of the most modern standard. The combination of training center and boarding school offers ideal opportunities to…

  • Hohenloher Freilandmuseum

    Hohenloher Freilandmuseum



    Information website and event calendar for a regional open air museum, based in beautiful southern Germany.

  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection

    Peggy Guggenheim Collection



    The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is one of the most important museums of European and American art of the 20th century in Italy. It is located in Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, on the Grand Canal in Venice, and hosts the personal collection of Peggy…

  • Bischof-von-Ketteler-Schule



    Webwork Manufaktur

    School website with news, info, the team, appointments and ical-support, galleries. Easy to maintain with PWs fine access management.

  • Haft in der DDR

    Haft in der DDR


    Neue Rituale

    The Webapp "Imprisonment in the GDR - The Prisoners of the Stasi" provides a tool for researchers, historians and students to explore the various aspects of political persecution and imprisonment in the GDR. It contains the largest collection of…

  • Ecozept



    typneun Designagentur

    Ecozept is an international organization for the Sustainable Development for Agriculture and Food Sectors. With departments in England, Germany and France the website is built in three languages and uses heavily the power of Processwire to engage…

  • Migzen




    Migzen.net is a site deisgned and built for Lancaster University that gathers academic research into the effect Brexit is having on migration.

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