WireMailSmtp by Horst Nogajski

extends WireMail, uses SMTP protocol (plain | ssl | tls), provides: to, cc, bcc, attachments, priority, disposition notification, bulksending, ...


ProcessWire: a extension to the WireMail base class that uses SMTP-transport

Formerly usable with ProcessWire version 2.4.1 or greater, changed since module version 0.8.0 to ProcessWire version 3.0.62 or greater

This module integrates EmailMessage, SMTP and SASL php-libraries from Manuel Lemos into ProcessWire

More information and code examples

Current Version 0.8.0

List of all options and features

testConnection () - returns true on success, false on failures

debugSend () - send the mail(s) and output or return verbose messages of the complete connection and sending process

sendSingle ( true | false ) - default is false

sendBulk ( true | false ) - default is false, Set this to true if you have lots of recipients (50+)

to ($recipients) - one emailaddress or array with multiple emailaddresses

cc ($recipients) - only available with mode sendSingle, one emailaddress or array with multiple emailaddresses

bcc ($recipients) - one emailaddress or array with multiple emailaddresses

from = 'person@example.com' - can be set in module config (called Sender Emailaddress) but it can be overwritten here

fromName = 'Name Surname' - optional, can be set in module config (called Sender Name) but it can be overwritten here

priority (3) - 1 = Highest | 2 = High | 3 = Normal | 4 = Low | 5 = Lowest

dispositionNotification () or notification () - request a Disposition Notification

subject ($subject) - subject of the message

body ($textBody) - use this one alone to create and send plainText emailmessages

bodyHTML ($htmlBody) - use this to create a Multipart Alternative Emailmessage (containing a HTML-Part and a Plaintext-Part as fallback)

addSignature ( true | false ) - the default-behave is selectable in config screen, this can be overridden here. (only available if a signature is defined in the config screen)

attachment ($filename, $alternativeBasename = '') - add attachment file

send () - send the mail(s) and return number of successful send messages

getResult () - returns a dump (array) with all recipients (to, cc, bcc) and settings you have selected with the message, the message subject and body, and lists of successfull addresses and failed addresses,

logActivity ($logmessage) - you may log success if you want

logError ($logmessage) - you may log errors, too. - Errors are also logged automaticaly

useSentLog (true | false) - intended for usage with e.g. third party newsletter modules - tells the send() method to make usage of the sentLog-methods

sentLogReset () - starts a new Session. Best usage would be interactively once when setting up a new Newsletter

sentLogGet () - returns an array containing all previously used emailaddresses

sentLogAdd ($emailaddress) - is called automaticly within the send() method

wrapText (true|false) - default is true

More information and code examples

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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