TextformatterRemoveBlocks by Robin S

Textformatter that removes blocks of text/markup between configurable delimiters from output.

Remove Blocks

A textformatter module for ProcessWire that removes blocks of text/markup between configurable delimiters from output. This allows you to "comment out" blocks of text/markup so they remain present in the field but are not shown in the front-end output.

This can be handy if content needs to be removed temporarily and will later be reinstated. Or you could use a commented block as a placeholder to indicate to an editor where some content should be added.


Install the Remove Blocks module.

Configure the open and close delimiters if needed. The default open delimiter is {{ and the default close delimiter is }}. Tip: don't use delimiter characters that CKEditor will encode to HTML entities, e.g. >.


Add the Remove Blocks textformatter to one or more fields.

Add the open and close delimiters around any content that you want to be removed from output.


Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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