TextformatterPageImages by kixe

Allows you to insert images in a text area by referencing them with tags in the following format [[fieldName,Number,class]]. All Parameters are optional. Configurable base class and wrapper.

Textformatter Page Images


  • Include images stored site-wide and over multiple ProcessWire instances in textfields by using the following tag syntax:
  • Classic [[fieldname(optional),number(optional),class(optional),page-ID(optional),path-to-instance(optional)]]
  • Markdown
  • If a class (CSS) is added fieldname and/or number and/or leading comma is mandatory.
  • @ and spaces allowed in class names.
  • Comma is mandatory from two parameters and up.
  • Do not use spaces before or after commata (parameter separator).

Usage Examples

  • ![]() or [[]] matches the first or only one picture in the first or only one image-field if exists.
  • ![](images) or [[images]] matches the first or only one picture in the named image-field.
  • ![](4) or [[4]] matches the fourth picture in the first or only one image-field.
  • ![](3,left) or [[3,left]] matches the third picture in the first or only one image-field and adds the class left.
  • ![](,right) or [[,right]] matches the first or only one picture in the first or only one image-field and adds the class left.
  • ![](images,3,top) or [[images,3,top]] matches the third picture in the image-field named 'images' and adds the class top.
  • ![](,,,1234) or [[,,,1234]] matches the first or only one picture in the first or only one image-field of the page with ID = 1234.
  • ![](images,3,top,1234) or [[images,3,top,1234]] matches the third picture in the image-field named 'images' of the page with ID = 1234 and adds the class top.
  • ![](images,3,top,1234,site-foo) or [[images,3,top,1234,site-foo]] matches the third picture in the image-field named 'images' of the page with ID = 1234 of the ProcessWire instance living under the path '/site-foo/' adds the class 'top' and overwrites alt-Attribute with 'Hello World'.
  • ![Hello World](images,3,top,1234)matches the third picture in the image-field named 'images' of the page with ID = 1234 adds the class 'top' and overwrites alt-Attribute with 'Hello World'.

Module settings


Define html wrapper in module settings. Default markup:

<img class="{class}" src="{url}" alt="{alt}"/>

Use placeholders surrounded by curled brackets to assign PageImage properties in the markup:

  • description
  • url
  • index
  • class
  • alt (if set, or description as fallback is set)

Size Variations

URLs of variations to be accessed via additional PageImage properties:

property (URL)urlSmallurlMediumurlLarge

To use PageImage property surrounded by curled brackets will be replaced by the related value. Additional properties (class, index, urlSmall‌, urlThumb [alias of urlSmall], urlMedium, urlLarge) available.


Function wrapper() is hookable with instance of PageImage as argument.


Works well with other text formatters such as Markdown. Place this textformatter before Markdown.
Conflicts with markdown prevented by checking against the presence of negation indicator in the 1st parameter:

  • https://, http:// or /
  • . (dot) which determines file extension (.png, .jpg)

External Usage example

Useful to stay consistent with the markup stored in modules setup.

if ($page->image instanceof PageImage) {
    $class = "uk-width-1-2@l uk-width-1-2@m";
    $TPI = $modules->get('TextformatterPageImages');
    $TPI->assignImageProperties($page->image, ['class' => $class]);
    $page->_imageMarkupString = $TPI->renderMarkup($page->image);


  • If using this module the names of imagefield to be used shouldn't start with a digit or underscore. (prevent mixup with image number)


to Diogo for the nice module TextformatterImageTags which is the mother of this module.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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