Modules 321 to 340 of 692
- Component 0.0.3 beta by ukyo (@trk)
Module help you to create and use set of components to utilise in your ProcessWire page templates.
2025/02/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools5 - ImageFileDependencies 0.0.4 beta by Robin S
Image & File Dependencies: Allows Image and File fields to be used in inputfield dependency selectors. Note: prefix field names with an underscore in your dependency selectors.
2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers1 - MarkupPlyrMediaPlayer 0.2.1 alpha by tsdtsdtsd
Plyr Media Player: This module adds the Plyr HTML5 Media Player to ProcessWire.
2015/09/28 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio2 - PagesAtBottom 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Keeps selected pages at the bottom of their siblings.
2022/11/11 — Admin Helpers4 - TextformatterAutoLinks 0.0.8 by Ryan Cramer
Auto Links: Automatically links any of the configured text phrases to a URL, any time they appear.
2024/06/07 — Textformatter Modules, Admin Helpers2 - CachePlaceholders 1.0.1 by MoritzLost
Cacheable Placeholders: Allows you to cache dynamic content by using special placeholders that get parsed during every request.
2024/11/19 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules5 - FrontendLoginRegister 1.3.7 by juergen
User login/registration component for ProcessWire using the FrontendForms module.
2025/02/01 — Other Modules8 - SkipInputfieldLabel 0.0.2 beta by Teppo
Adds a skipLabel config option for inputfields.
2023/10/21 — Other Modules, Inputfield Modules2 - PageListShowPageId 0.0.1 by soma
Module prepends page ID in the page list tree labels. Only visible for superusers
2017/03/24 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools7 - HannaCodeDialogTiny 0.1.2 alpha by BitPoet
Hanna Code Dialog for TinyMCE: Enhances the use of Hanna tags in TinyMCE fields, including the dialog-based editing of Hanna tags.
2023/11/04 — Admin Helpers3 - FilesRenameReplace 0.2.3 beta by Robin S
Allows files to be renamed or replaced in Page Edit.
2023/09/11 — Admin Helpers5 - TemplateParents 0.0.7 beta by BitPoet
Template Access by Parents: ProcessWire module that allows limiting templates for new pages based on the parent page. Can be configured for each page individually. Also supports…
2016/05/02 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept, Users and Access2 - ProcessSwitchUser 0.0.6 by Peter Burlingham
Switch User Account: Allows specific users to login as any other user account
2016/07/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Process Modules5 - ImagePlaceholders 0.3.0 by daun
Generate low-quality image placeholders (LQIP) on upload
2023/11/22 — Photo/Video/Audio5 - FieldtypeSelectFile 1.0.5 by martijn-geerts
Select File Fieldtype: Field that stores a filename from a folder.
2019/06/27 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules17 - TextformatterGoogleMaps 1.1.6 by Teppo
Google Maps Textformatter: Enter a full Google Maps link by itself in any paragraph and this will automatically convert it to an embedded map.
2013/06/23 — Textformatter Modules7 - LoginScheduler 1.2.0 by Teppo
Adds support for enabling or disabling login for users, either instantly or by specifying a time range.
2018/11/07 — Authentication, Users and Access0 - ImageThumbnailTags 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Displays image tags overlaid on the thumbnail using customisable colours.
2020/05/02 — Admin Helpers1