Modules 661 to 680 of 692
- TextformatterExternalRedirect 0.0.6 by BitPoet
External Link Redirect: Parses links in textareas and prepends a local redirector URL
2019/07/18 — Textformatter Modules0 - FieldtypePagesSelectorQuery 1.0.1 beta by alevine
Create a Pages->find(query) as a field: This module allows you to defined a Pages selector query ($pages>find()) as a field and attach it to a template. The results of the query (PageArray) are…
2013/07/22 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules0 - Abbreviate 1.0.1 beta by sunlix
Easily mark up and manage abbreviations
2019/01/23 — Process Modules, SEO/Accessibility0 - MarkupAdaptive 0.0.4 alpha by martijn-geerts
Javascript helper to sync your CSS media queries with javascript.
2014/10/18 — Markup Generation0 - PagesMapManager 0.2.0 alpha by entil-zha
Allows you to manage pages in mindmap.
2015/04/27 — Admin Helpers0 - PaymentModule 1.0.1 beta by apeisa
Base module for other Payment modules to extend.
2021/06/30 — Other Modules0 - LoginScheduler 1.2.0 by Teppo
Adds support for enabling or disabling login for users, either instantly or by specifying a time range.
2018/11/07 — Authentication, Users and Access0 - SimpleForms 0.8.1 alpha by Mike Rockett
[Archived] A simple, developer-centric form processor for ProcessWire.
2021/06/27 — Markup Generation, Other Modules0 - DrLunesTypeManager 1.0.0 beta by biojazzard
Dr Lunes Type Manager.: Typekit and Google WebFontLoader Manager for ProcessWire
2015/10/25 — Development Tools, Other Modules0 - IntegerAutoIncrement 0.0.1 beta by stikki
Adds additional option to Fieldtype Integer to make it auto increment.
2016/04/01 — Development Tools, Fieldtype Modules0 - AdminAutosizeTextareas 1.0.0 beta by Netcarver
Auto-growing textareas in the admin interface.
2016/04/07 — Admin Helpers0 - Lumberjack 0.1.1 beta by gurumeditation02
A simple module for ProcessWire CMS that logs the IP / User Agent details of the user when the page is saved.
2021/06/27 — Logs/Monitoring0 - InputfieldFileSort 1.0.0 by bernhard
Sort Files of an InputfieldFile via Javascript
2016/04/30 — Admin Helpers0 - AdoptDefaultsFromParents 0.0.3 beta by blynx
Adopt field values as defaults from parents: Fills fields of newly added pages with corresponding field-values of their parents. Configurable by setting "giving templates" and "adopting…
2016/05/11 — Other Modules0 - TextformatterCurrency 1.1.0 beta by Netcarver
PW-TextformatterCurrency: Locale aware currency formatter module for Processwire
2016/05/21 — Textformatter Modules0 - AdminDeselectRadios 1.0.1 by Netcarver
PW-AdminDeselectRadios: Allows admin-side radio buttons to be deselected.
2016/05/21 — Admin Helpers0 - JquerySelectize 1.0.5 by macrura
Selectize.js Plugin: Provides Selectize.js for use in ProcessWire.
2021/05/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Other Modules0 - SelectizeTemplateFieldTags 0.1.2 beta by macrura
Selectize Template & Field Tags: Admin helper for enabling selectize tagging on templates.
2021/05/25 — Admin Helpers0 - LimitPageTable 0.1.10 beta by Robin S
Allows "Add New" buttons in a PageTable inputfield to be disabled when a defined limit is reached.
2018/08/11 — Admin Helpers0 - ProcessPageListerUrls 0.0.3 alpha by martijn-geerts
PLUs (Page Lister URLs): Link to listerpages with predefined settings.
2016/12/17 — Process Modules, Other Modules0