Modules 221 to 240 of 692
- FrontendLoginRegister 1.3.7 by juergen
User login/registration component for ProcessWire using the FrontendForms module.
2025/02/01 — Other Modules8 - MarkupLoadRSS 2.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
RSS Feed Loader: Given an RSS feed URL, this module will pull it, and let you foreach() it or render it. This module will also cache feeds that you retrieve with it.
2018/12/24 — Markup Generation, Import/Export, Social, Feeds, Services7 - PageCleanEmptyDirs 0.0.3 beta by Ryan Cramer
Clean Empty Page File Dirs: Goes through all of your /site/assets/files/ directories and removes those that have no files in them.
2012/08/03 — Development Tools, Admin Helpers7 - ProcessTrashman 1.0.0 by apeisa
Trashman: Allows users without superuser role to view and restore pages from trash.
2013/01/05 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Users and Access7 - SmartyTemplating 1.0 beta by niutech
Smarty template engine for ProcessWire
2013/02/08 — Markup Generation, Proof of Concept7 - MarkupHTMLPurifier 1.0.3 by Ryan Cramer
HTML Purifier (Core): HTML sanitization and validation for ProcessWire. Serves as a front-end to the HTML Purifier software.
2013/03/08 — Markup Generation, Core Modules7 - UnsemanticSiteProfile 2.0 by totoff
Fully responsive site profile based on Unsemantic grid system.
2015/04/27 — Site Profiles7 - TextformatterGoogleMaps 1.1.6 by Teppo
Google Maps Textformatter: Enter a full Google Maps link by itself in any paragraph and this will automatically convert it to an embedded map.
2013/06/23 — Textformatter Modules7 - PageListShowPageId 0.0.1 by soma
Module prepends page ID in the page list tree labels. Only visible for superusers
2017/03/24 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools7 - ProcessRedirectIds 0.4.0 beta by Adrian Jones
Redirect ID based URLs: Redirects ID based URL to full ProcessWire default URL
2020/05/27 — Other Modules7 - MarkupRSSEnhanced 1.0.0 beta by martijn-geerts
Markup RSS Feed enhanced: Renders an RSS feed. Given a PageArray, renders an RSS feed of them.
2014/05/08 — Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services7 - PasswordBannedList 1.0.0 by madhatter
Check an entered password against the 10,000 most common passwords (From this blog: and…
2014/10/15 — Users and Access, Authentication7 - Validation 0.0.3 by ukyo (@trk)
Validation Module: Validation Module For ProcessWire
2015/02/26 — Development Tools7 - GeoInfo 1 beta by pmichaelis
GeoInfo is a small module that Implements Geoplugin PHP web service. Please donate to "" in order to keep the service alive. The Module…
2015/02/19 — Development Tools, Other Modules7 - MarkupActivityLog 1.0.1 beta by renobird
Activity Log: Adds an Activity Log tab to pages. Configurable to specific templates.
2015/06/04 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation7 - FieldtypeStarRating 1.0.1 by raymond-geerts
Star Rating Integer: Field that stores ratings as integer
2019/10/30 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules7 - ImageSizerEngineIMagickCLI 0.1.1 beta by Horst Nogajski
ImageSizerEngine ImageMagick CLI: Upgrades image manipulations to use The CLI (exec) version of ImageMagick
2016/03/08 — Photo/Video/Audio7 - SamlAuth 1.3.0 beta by Adam Blunt
SAML Authentication: Add SAML authentication to any ProcessWire website
2020/04/03 — Authentication, Users and Access7 - ProcessWireFoundation6 0.0.1 by flydev ??
PW Foundation 6: Foundation 6 Minimal site profile for ProcessWire
2016/07/25 — Site Profiles7