Modules 421 to 440 of 692
- InputfieldSelectize 1.2.0 beta by macrura
Inputfield for the ProcessWire FieldtypePage.
2019/06/06 — Admin Helpers5 - SanitizerEasySlugger 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Allows the use of the EasySlugger library as Sanitizer methods.
2023/11/21 — Other Modules3 - SymmetricEncryptedText 0.1.2 alpha by BitPoet
Symmetric Encryption for Text Fields: Store values of text fields in the database encrypted
2024/04/11 — Fieldtype Modules, Proof of Concept6 - MarkupHTMLPurifier 1.0.3 by Ryan Cramer
HTML Purifier (Core): HTML sanitization and validation for ProcessWire. Serves as a front-end to the HTML Purifier software.
2013/03/08 — Markup Generation, Core Modules7 - FieldtypeTextUnique 3.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Text Unique: This is the same as the ProcessWire Text field (FieldtypeText), but enforces that values stored are unique, site-wide.
2021/05/19 — Fieldtype Modules9 - ProcessGeneralSettings 1.2.2 by flydev ??
General settings: Module that stores global site settings
2018/05/11 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - ProcessHello 0.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Process Hello (demo): Demonstrates everything you would need to create a Process module, and more.
2021/10/04 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules10 - AutoFbPost 1.0.5 by dimitrios
Facebook Post on Page Save: Automatic post on Facebook when page is saved
2020/02/09 — Social, Feeds, Services6 - GraphQLFieldtypeMapMarker 2.0.0 beta by Dadish
GraphQL support for FieldtypeMapMarker.
2019/08/25 — Other Modules1 - TextformatterFileInfo 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
File Info: Textformatter that adds information about linked files as extra markup, or as data attributes on the link.
2024/02/27 — Textformatter Modules2 - ServiceCurrencyConversion 0.0.3 beta by Ryan Cramer
Currency Conversion: Provides API capabilities for converting from one currency to another, using the OpenExchangeRates service.
2020/12/07 — Development Tools, Language Modules, Social, Feeds, Services6 - WayFathomAnalytics 0.0.3 beta by Craig Rodway
Fathom Analytics for ProcessWire. Display your Fathom dashboard in the PW admin panel and easily generate markup for the tracking code.
2024/05/03 — Logs/Monitoring, Markup Generation, Process Modules2 - InputfieldPageAutocomplete 1.0.1 by Ryan Cramer
Page Autocomplete (Core): Multiple Page selection using auto completion and sorting capability. Intended for use as an input field for Page reference fields.
2012/07/27 — Inputfield Modules, Core Modules12 - FieldtypeTable 0.1.9 by Ryan Cramer
ProFields: Table: This Fieldtype is the first of its kind in that it lets you literally define your own Fieldtype. Think of it kind of like a lean and mean repeater field, with…
2014/06/02 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Premium Modules17 - FormTemplateProcessor 1.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Proof-of-concept module to let you use templates as web contact forms. Can send you email and/or save the submission to a page in your site. Intended to be a…
2012/07/24 — Other Modules, Proof of Concept6 - LoginNotifier 1.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Provides ability to send an email, ping a URL or save a log entry when a login occurs.
2012/07/24 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access, Logs/Monitoring8 - FoundationSiteProfile 1.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Zurb Foundation Site Profile: ProcessWire Site Profile Using Zurb Foundation, for ProcessWire 2.5+.
2013/07/08 — Site Profiles29 - ProcessGetVideoThumbs 1.1.7 by Adrian Jones
Get Video Thumbs: Automatically populates an images field with thumbnails (poster images) from YouTube and Vimeo
2021/05/15 — Photo/Video/Audio17