Modules 381 to 400 of 684
- Subscribers 0.0.3 alpha by benbyf
Module to subscribe new users or a particualr role, and module for showing users in a list in the admin. Has a front end page for subscribing your users…
2017/04/30 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules, Users and Access3 - PageimageRemoveVariations 0.0.4 beta by rolandtoth
This module let you clear the images cache sitewide, but big WARNING: it also removes ImageVariations from RTE-Fields!
2016/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Photo/Video/Audio6 - TextformatterGlossary 1.0.2 alpha by mr-fan
Autolink from a Glossary: Allows to use tags in textareas to autolink to specific glossary links/replacements.
2018/01/13 — Textformatter Modules0 - DynamicDescriptionNotes 0.1.10 by Adrian Jones
Dynamic Description & Notes: Lets you insert PW variables and Hanna codes in Description and Note fields.
2024/03/22 — Admin Helpers6 - AjaxIntercoolerJS 0.0.1 alpha by pwfoo
AjaxIntercoolerJS is a ProcessWire CMS / CMF module which adds IntercoolerJS ajax functionalities. It's based on TemplateFileHelper module.
2016/09/25 — Other Modules2 - TemplateFileHelper 0.0.1 alpha by pwfoo
TemplateFile class helper to structure your templates. PW templates used as controller with additional view / html files.
2016/09/25 — Markup Generation1 - Sassify 0.0.6 beta by Rudy Affandi
Automatically compile Sass/SCSS/Compass in your ProcessWire templates
2018/12/11 — Development Tools, Markup Generation6 - ProcessGeneralSettings 1.2.2 by flydev ??
General settings: Module that stores global site settings
2018/05/11 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - CroppableImage3 1.2.0 by Horst Nogajski
Field that stores one or more GIF, JPG, or PNG images and support optional predefined crop functionality!
2020/03/19 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Process Modules33 - TemplatesChildPages 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Templates: Child Pages: For any page, allows the restricting of templates that may be used for child pages.
2018/12/15 — Admin Helpers2 - MarkupSrcSet 0.1.2 beta by rolandtoth
Generate srcset and bgset markup.
2017/09/04 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio8 - ProcessSwitchUser 0.0.6 by Peter Burlingham
Switch User Account: Allows specific users to login as any other user account
2016/07/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Process Modules5 - AutoExportTemplatesAndFields 1.0.1 beta by jaromic
Automatic Export and Automatable Import for Templates and Fields: AutoExportTemplatesAndFields module for ProcessWire
2016/09/07 — Development Tools, Import/Export2 - ProcessWireFoundation6 0.0.1 by flydev ??
PW Foundation 6: Foundation 6 Minimal site profile for ProcessWire
2016/07/25 — Site Profiles7 - MarkupGoogleRecaptcha 2.0.0 by flydev ??
Google reCAPTCHA: Google reCAPTCHA for ProcessWire
2017/12/22 — Markup Generation10 - FieldtypeButton 1.1.0 beta by kixe
Button Fieldtype: Field that stores 3 values for label, target and class (CSS). Output markup configurable in field settings.
2023/06/05 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Markup Generation4 - TemplateLatteReplace 0.6.1 beta by rolandtoth
Latte template engine support for ProcessWire.
2019/02/19 — Markup Generation, Other Modules15 - AdminOnSteroids 2.0.21 beta by rolandtoth
Various ProcessWire admin tweaks to boost productivity
2020/06/06 — Admin Helpers55