Modules 241 to 260 of 684
- MarkupMenu 1.2.0 by Teppo
MarkupMenu is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for generating menu markup
2024/03/24 — Markup Generation3 - RepeaterImages 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Adds options to modify Repeater fields to make them convenient for "page-per-image" usage.
2019/08/06 — Admin Helpers7 - TextInputAwesomplete 0.0.7 beta by macrura
Enables autocomplete configured text inputs.
2020/03/18 — Admin Helpers6 - PageFieldInfo 0.1.3 beta by Robin S
Adds information about options in Page Reference fields.
2024/05/27 — Admin Helpers2 - ProcessAssetsBackups 0.9.1 alpha by jaromic
Assets Backups: Create and/or restore assets backups from ProcessWire admin.
2019/04/29 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules1 - ProcessTerminal 1.0.1 beta by Adrian Jones
Terminal: Terminal shell for executing server commands
2019/07/22 — Development Tools6 - Mystique 0.0.21 beta by ukyo (@trk)
Mystique is a config file based field creation module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF by ALTI VE BIR.
2023/01/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Other Modules29 - TextformatterFileInfo 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
File Info: Textformatter that adds information about linked files as extra markup, or as data attributes on the link.
2024/02/27 — Textformatter Modules2 - SiteMinimal 1.0.1 beta by rafaoski
Minimal Site Profile for Processwire 3x: Minimal - Site Profile for CMS ProcessWire 3x
2019/04/05 — Site Profiles1 - AccessByQueryString 0.1.7 beta by Robin S
Grant/deny access to pages according to query string.
2022/05/02 — Authentication, Development Tools3 - InputfieldRepeaterMatrixDuplicate 2.0.2 beta by David Karich
Repeater Matrix Item Duplicator: This module extends the commercial ProcessWire ProModule "RepeaterMatrix" by the function to duplicate repeater items from one page to another page.
2024/07/24 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules19 - SanitizerTransliterate 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Adds a transliterate method to $sanitizer that performs character substitutions as defined in the module config.
2024/07/26 — Other Modules2 - UniqueImageVariations 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
Ensures that all ImageSizer options affect image variation filenames.
2023/11/10 — Development Tools5 - CiTrigger 0.0.3 beta by Thomas Aull
A small helper module to trigger a CI pipeline once a day if your website has changed
2022/11/15 — Other Modules0 - PageAccessReleasetime 1.0.5 beta by Sebi
Enables you to set a start- and end-time for the release of pages. Prevents unreleased pages from being displayed.
2023/10/02 — Users and Access4 - SeoMaestro 1.1.1 beta by wanze
A ProcessWire module helping you to manage SEO related tasks like a boss.
2022/06/04 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility50 - ElasticsearchFeeder 2.0.1 by blue-tomato
Schema-flexible module for getting your page into cloudhosted Elasticsearch like Bonsai or
2023/10/04 — Import/Export, Other Modules2 - TemplateEngineMustache 2.0.0 by blue-tomato
Mustache templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
2019/03/01 — Other Modules1