Should be safe for use in production environments.
Modules 121 to 140 of 328
- TextformatterImageTags 1.0.2 by diogo
Image Tags: Add images from an imageField on the page to any place of a text area.
2016/06/27 — Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules5 - ImageRasterizer 0.2.4 by Adrian Jones
Admin and front-end resizing and rasterizing of vector SVG images
2017/07/07 — Photo/Video/Audio4 - ImportPagesCSV 1.0.8 by Ryan Cramer
Import Pages from CSV files: Enables you to import CSV files to create pages.
2020/03/15 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules60 - ImportPagesXml 1.0.0 by justb3a
This ProcessWire module allows you to import and parse XML files (using xpath) to create or update pages.
2016/09/28 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules3 - ImportPagesPrestashop 1.1.2 by harmenschouten
Import Products from Prestashop: Import your categories, products, features and images directly from your Prestashop database to your Processwire website.
2017/01/27 — Import/Export, Process Modules8 - InputfieldAceExtended 1.1.3 by Horst Nogajski
A highly configurable and flexible ACE editor input field for ProcessWire
2016/12/11 — Inputfield Modules12 - InputfieldFileSort 1.0.0 by bernhard
Sort Files of an InputfieldFile via Javascript
2016/04/30 — Admin Helpers0 - InstagramFeed 1.0.2 by justb3a
Represents the instagram feed of a user.
2017/11/10 — Social, Feeds, Services17 - InstagramMediaDisplay 1.1.0 by NB Communication
Instagram Media Display, in combination with a Meta app, allows you to get an Instagram user's profile, images, videos, and albums for displaying on your…
2024/11/26 — Social, Feeds, Services3 - JqueryFileUpload 0.0.9 by kongondo
ProcessWire Wrapper for jQuery File Upload Plugin.
2022/10/29 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules12 - ProcessJumplinks 1.5.64 by Mike Rockett
Jumplinks: Manage permanent and temporary redirects. Uses named parameters, mapping collections, and page selectors.
2023/11/30 — Process Modules, SEO/Accessibility31 - LanguageSupport 1.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
Language Support (Core): Provides multi-language support to ProcessWire including translation tools, gettext-like API functions, language pack support, multi-language text fields, and…
2012/07/27 — Fieldtype Modules, Language Modules, Process Modules, Core Modules16 - LanguageTranslatorTwig 1.0.1 by justb3a
Adds twig support for language translator.
2016/09/29 — Language Modules, Markup Generation1 - LazyCron 1.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
Lazy Cron (Core): This core module provides hooks that are automatically executed at various intervals. This module is already included with the ProcessWire core, but not…
2012/07/25 — Other Modules, Core Modules9 - Less 0.0.5 by Ryan Cramer
Less parser: A module wrapper for Wikimedia’s Less parser that compiles .less files to .css. Also used by the ProcessWire core for AdminThemeUikit customization.
2024/01/05 — Development Tools9 - LiveChatTawkTo 1.0.2 by tcnet
Live Chat Implements the live chat service from
2021/07/01 — Social, Feeds, Services, Other Modules6 - LoginFailNotifier 1.0.4 by tcnet
Sends a notification email for each failed login attempt.
2022/07/21 — Admin Helpers6 - ProcessLoginHistory 1.10.4 by Teppo
Login History: This module keeps track of login attempts to your site.
2023/05/06 — Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Users and Access15 - LoginNotifier 1.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Provides ability to send an email, ping a URL or save a log entry when a login occurs.
2012/07/24 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access, Logs/Monitoring8 - LoginScheduler 1.2.0 by Teppo
Adds support for enabling or disabling login for users, either instantly or by specifying a time range.
2018/11/07 — Authentication, Users and Access0