Should be safe for use in production environments.
Modules 261 to 280 of 328
- ProcessExportProfile 5.0.1 by Ryan Cramer
Site Profile Exporter: Enables exporting of ProcessWire site profiles for sharing or distribution with others.
2024/03/29 — Process Modules, Import/Export67 - CaptchaSlide 1.0.4 by tcnet
Slide Captcha: This module provides Captcha functionality to ProcessWire
2024/07/17 — Proof of Concept, Other Modules5 - MarkupSocialShareButtons 1.0.5 by soma
Social Share Buttons: Simple and lightweight share buttons for your site.
2019/05/20 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services24 - FieldtypeStarRating 1.0.1 by raymond-geerts
Star Rating Integer: Field that stores ratings as integer
2019/10/30 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules7 - SwissGerman 3.0.210 by poljpocket
Swiss German (de-CH): Swiss German language pack for ProcessWire using non-formal language ("Du")
2023/10/12 — Language Packs3 - ProcessSwitchUser 0.0.6 by Peter Burlingham
Switch User Account: Allows specific users to login as any other user account
2016/07/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Process Modules5 - TableCsvImportExport 2.0.19 by Adrian Jones
Table CSV Import / Export: Admin and front-end importing and exporting of CSV formatted content for Profields Table fields.
2025/01/17 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Import/Export, Inputfield Modules20 - TemplateAccessLog 0.1.1 by Teppo
Logs changes made to template roles and related access settings
2023/03/18 — Logs/Monitoring, Users and Access2 - TemplateEngineFactory 1.1.3 by wanze
A module integrating template engines such as Twig. It allows to render pages or individual templates via template engine and encourages to separate logic from…
2019/02/14 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules29 - TemplateEngineLatte 2.1.0 by daun
Latte templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
2023/11/22 — Markup Generation, Development Tools3 - TemplateEngineMustache 2.0.0 by blue-tomato
Mustache templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
2019/03/01 — Other Modules1 - TemplateEnginePug 2.0.3 by dreerr
Pug/Jade templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
2019/03/05 — Development Tools, Markup Generation5 - TemplateEngineSmarty 2.4.0 by wanze
This module adds the Smarty template engine to the TemplateEngineFactory
2022/03/31 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules3 - TemplateEngineTwig 1.1.0 by wanze
This module adds the Twig template engine to the TemplateEngineFactory
2019/02/13 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules12 - TextformatterTextBlocks 0.0.3 by Ryan Cramer
Text Blocks: Define named blocks in textarea fields and reuse them in other textarea fields.
2024/05/29 — Textformatter Modules, Admin Helpers2