Should be safe for use in production environments.
Modules 241 to 260 of 326
- CountViews 1.0.0 by jakubpawlak
Count Views Module for ProcessWire allows you to save page views directly to database, and display them when required. This free module can be used to count…
2019/01/22 — Logs/Monitoring, Other Modules11 - ProcessVariations 0.0.1 by kongondo
Variations: A Fieldtype that allows website editors to easily create variations of anything, most notably products for online shops. By creating attributes and their…
2017/09/12 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules0 - GuidGenerator 0.0.1 by justb3a
Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID) for Inputfield Text.
2017/03/15 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules0 - ProcessWireFoundation6 0.0.1 by flydev ??
PW Foundation 6: Foundation 6 Minimal site profile for ProcessWire
2016/07/25 — Site Profiles7 - FieldtypePageIDs 0.12.0 by Teppo
Page IDs: Fieldtype that stores Page IDs
2019/05/20 — Fieldtype Modules5 - PodcastProfile 1.0 by thetuningspoon
Podcast feed generator/publishing platform for the ProcessWire CMS
2016/04/13 — Photo/Video/Audio, Site Profiles, Social, Feeds, Services1 - ProcessWireBootstrap4 0.0.3 by flydev ??
PW Bootstrap 4: Bootstrap 4 Minimal site profile for ProcessWire
2016/06/18 — Site Profiles11 - ImageAnimatedGif 2.0.2 by Horst Nogajski
This module helps with resizing and cropping of animated GIFs when using GD-Lib.
2018/01/31 — Photo/Video/Audio24 - TextformatterAutoAnchor 1.1.0 by martinmuzatko
Automatically add anchors and IDs to Headings: Adds an id attribute to every heading with a slug of the text. Intended for easily creating linkable sections
2020/02/05 — Textformatter Modules9 - ProcessVisualPageSelector 0.0.4 by kongondo
Visual Page Selector: Ajax-driven visual page selector for ProcessWire tailored for power users who manage lots of pages, need to know what those pages contain as well as those who…
2018/01/04 — Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Premium Modules, Process Modules1 - ProcessDynamicSelects 0.0.5 by kongondo
Dynamic Selects: Ajax-powered dynamic dropdown lists enabling the creation of cascading/chained selects for display and storage of multiple types of data. Makes data mapping an…
2017/08/23 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules3 - ProcessPageClone 1.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
Page Clone (Core): Provides ability to clone/copy/duplicate pages in the admin. Adds a "copy" option to all applicable pages in the PageList.
2012/07/27 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Core Modules23 - ProcessDashboard 1.0.2 by Peter Burlingham
A custom dashboard page for the ProcessWire admin.
2015/02/04 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Proof of Concept4 - AdminSaveActions 1.0.1 by nik
Module that lets the user choose what happens after a saving a page, template or field.
2013/01/09 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules9 - ImportPagesXml 1.0.0 by justb3a
This ProcessWire module allows you to import and parse XML files (using xpath) to create or update pages.
2016/09/28 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules3 - TextformatterImageTags 1.0.2 by diogo
Image Tags: Add images from an imageField on the page to any place of a text area.
2016/06/27 — Photo/Video/Audio, Textformatter Modules5 - TextformatterReplaceCurlyQuotes 1.0.0 by twitch
Replace Curly Quotes: Replaces single and double curly quotes/apostrophes with regular quotes/apostrophes
2017/08/03 — Textformatter Modules0 - FoundationSiteProfile 1.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Zurb Foundation Site Profile: ProcessWire Site Profile Using Zurb Foundation, for ProcessWire 2.5+.
2013/07/08 — Site Profiles29