Should be safe for use in production environments.
Modules 281 to 300 of 327
- LanguageTranslatorTwig 1.0.1 by justb3a
Adds twig support for language translator.
2016/09/29 — Language Modules, Markup Generation1 - TextformatterMakeLinks 1.0.1 by interrobang
Textformatter Make HTML Links: This Textformatter will create HTML links out of anything that resembles a URL or email address, as long as it is not already part of an tag.
2019/05/08 — Textformatter Modules16 - PodcastProfile 1.0 by thetuningspoon
Podcast feed generator/publishing platform for the ProcessWire CMS
2016/04/13 — Photo/Video/Audio, Site Profiles, Social, Feeds, Services1 - FieldtypePageWithDate 1.0.3 by raymond-geerts
Page Reference with Date Field: Field that stores one or more references to ProcessWire pages
2015/11/11 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules4 - CronjobEmptyTrash 1.0.3 by kixe
Auto delete trashed pages sustainably after a predifined period of time set in module settings. This cronjob will run once per day.
2016/12/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Proof of Concept, Other Modules4 - SimpleContactForm 1.0.7 by justb3a
Just a simple contact form for ProcessWire.
2017/11/30 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation22 - FieldtypeYaml 0.3.0 by Horst Nogajski
Field that stores YAML data and formats it as an object, when requested.
2016/11/05 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules9 - FieldtypeMatrix 1.0.4 by kongondo
Matrix: Field that stores values in a 2D-matrix table in a page.
2016/11/30 — Fieldtype Modules, Import/Export, Inputfield Modules17 - InputfieldChosenSelect 1.2.5 by lostkobrakai
Chosen Select Inputfield: Inputfield for the ProcessWire FieldtypePage. Provides an alternative tagging interface.
2019/06/27 — Inputfield Modules20 - TextformatterImageFieldMarkup 1.0.4 by diogo
Image Field Markup: Allows you to use image fields inside markup languages, notably, Markdown and Textile in Processwire text fields
2016/06/25 — Textformatter Modules3 - InputfieldAceExtended 1.1.3 by Horst Nogajski
A highly configurable and flexible ACE editor input field for ProcessWire
2016/12/11 — Inputfield Modules12 - ProcessAccessOverview 0.1.0 by lostkobrakai
Access Overview: Overview over the access management of all templates of a site.
2015/05/11 — Development Tools, Process Modules, Users and Access5 - RestrictTabView 1.3.1 by Adrian Jones
Restrict access to Page Edit tabs via permissions
2023/04/07 — Admin Helpers11 - FieldtypeStarRating 1.0.1 by raymond-geerts
Star Rating Integer: Field that stores ratings as integer
2019/10/30 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules7 - LoginScheduler 1.2.0 by Teppo
Adds support for enabling or disabling login for users, either instantly or by specifying a time range.
2018/11/07 — Authentication, Users and Access0 - TextformatterThinspacePlus 1.0.3 by michael-van-laar
“Flatten” a text by replacing newline characters (as well as repeated consecutive whitespace characters) with just one space character. Extends Netcarver’s…
2016/10/21 — Textformatter Modules1 - Nederlands 1.0.0 by arjenblokzijl
Dutch Language Pack (nl-NL): Dutch Language Pack (nl-NL)
2015/09/23 — Language Packs13 - InputfieldTextareaTabKey 1.0.2 by kixe
Textarea Tab Key: Inputfield Textarea allows using the tab-key to type tabs in a textarea. Prevents switching the focus to the next input.
2016/12/07 — Inputfield Modules3 - InstagramFeed 1.0.2 by justb3a
Represents the instagram feed of a user.
2017/11/10 — Social, Feeds, Services17