Should be safe for use in production environments.

  • TfaTotp 0.0.4 by Ryan Cramer
    TOTP two-factor authentication: For apps like Google Authenticator, Authy, and other TOTP-based authenticator applications. Requires ProcessWire 3.0.109+.
    2020/06/26 — Authentication, Users and Access
  • FieldtypePageIDs 0.12.0 by Teppo
    Page IDs: Fieldtype that stores Page IDs
    2019/05/20 — Fieldtype Modules
  • Blackhole 1.1.0 by flydev ??
    Trap bad bots, crawlers and spiders in a virtual black hole.
    2023/07/31 — Logs/Monitoring, Other Modules, Users and Access
  • ProcessGraphQL 2.0.0 by Dadish
    GraphQL: Seamlessly integrates to your ProcessWire web app and allows you to serve the GraphQL API of your existing content.
    2023/08/19 — Other Modules
  • VideoOrSocialPostEmbed 1.2.6 by lexsanchez
    Enter a full YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Issuu URL by itself in any paragraph
    2020/05/14 — Social, Feeds, Services, Textformatter Modules
  • FieldtypeBusinessHours 0.0.1
    ProcessWire Fieldtype for entering business hours (opening hours)
    2018/01/18 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules
  • InputfieldMarkupCKEditor 0.1.5 by Robin S
    Markup CKEditor (for Form Builder): Inputfield for displaying markup editable via CKEditor. For use with Form Builder module.
    2022/08/23 — Admin Helpers
  • Duplicator 1.5.4 by flydev ??
    Duplicate, backup and transfer an entire site from one location to another.
    2025/02/28 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools
  • PulsewayPush 1.0.0 by flydev ??
    Pulseway for ProcessWire: Send push from ProcessWire to Pulseway.
    2017/12/02 — Logs/Monitoring, Other Modules
  • ProcessVariations 0.0.1 by kongondo
    Variations: A Fieldtype that allows website editors to easily create variations of anything, most notably products for online shops. By creating attributes and their…
    2017/09/12 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules
  • ProcessVisualPageSelector 0.0.4 by kongondo
    Visual Page Selector: Ajax-driven visual page selector for ProcessWire tailored for power users who manage lots of pages, need to know what those pages contain as well as those who…
    2018/01/04 — Inputfield Modules, Photo/Video/Audio, Premium Modules, Process Modules
  • MarkupProcesswirePhotoswipe 0.99.2 by blynx
    ProcessWire Photoswipe Gallery: Easily include Photoswipe by Dmitry Semenov
    2017/11/20 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio
  • Polski 1.0.8 by 7studio
    Polish (pl-PL) for ProcessWire 3.x: Polish language pack for ProcessWire 3.x series.
    2022/06/27 — Language Packs
  • Oauth2Login 1.0.1 by flydev ??
    OAuth2 login for ProcessWire
    2021/10/24 — Social, Feeds, Services, Users and Access, Authentication
  • TextformatterReplaceCurlyQuotes 1.0.0 by twitch
    Replace Curly Quotes: Replaces single and double curly quotes/apostrophes with regular quotes/apostrophes
    2017/08/03 — Textformatter Modules
  • FieldtypeColor 1.2.2 by kixe
    Color: Field that stores colors. Many options for Input (HTML5 Inputfield Color, Textfield with changing background, various jQuery/JS ColorPickers, custom…
    2024/07/18 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules
  • FieldtypeEmailLanguage 0.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
    E-Mail (Multi-language): Fieldtype that stores an email address in multiple languages
    2017/08/09 — Fieldtype Modules, Language Modules
  • FieldtypeURLLanguage 0.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
    URL (Multi-language): Fieldtype that stores a URL in multiple languages.
    2017/08/07 — Fieldtype Modules, Language Modules
  • PublishAsHidden 0.0.1 by benbyf
    PublishAsHiddenAdds button on first tab of edit page, when unpublished module adds Publish as hidden button which publishs page with flag as hidden.
    2017/05/30 — Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldRecurme 1.0.1 by joshuag
    Recurme - Processwire Recurring Dates Field & Custom Calendar Module: A Recurring Dates InputField for your Processwire templates. Custom frontend and admin calendars. The InputField you’ve been waiting for. Complex RRule date…
    2017/05/29 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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    In the 563rd issue of ProcessWire Weekly we will share the latest weekly update from Ryan, as well as the latest news and updates from the ProcessWire community. Read on! / 22 February 2025
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