Should be safe for use in production environments.
Modules 141 to 160 of 328
- ProcessAdminActions 0.9.6 by Adrian Jones
Admin Actions: Control panel for running various admin actions
2024/09/19 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools37 - ProcessAccessOverview 0.1.0 by lostkobrakai
Access Overview: Overview over the access management of all templates of a site.
2015/05/11 — Development Tools, Process Modules, Users and Access5 - Process404Search 0.1.9 by Adrian Jones
404 Search Results Generator: Load search results into 404 page using terms from the failed URL
2016/06/24 — SEO/Accessibility6 - Process404Logger 1.0.7 by kixe
404 Logger: Logs all requests resulting in http error 404
2018/03/17 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Users and Access11 - ProCache 4.0.1 by Ryan Cramer
ProCache provides the ultimate performance for your website by completely bypassing PHP and MySQL and enabling your web server to deliver pages of your…
2013/08/02 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers, Other Modules, Premium Modules88 - PrivacyWire 1.1.7 by Joshua
PrivacyWire Cookie Management and async asset loading: Module for Cookie management and async loading of (external) scripts / assets
2024/11/24 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility36 - PodcastProfile 1.0 by thetuningspoon
Podcast feed generator/publishing platform for the ProcessWire CMS
2016/04/13 — Photo/Video/Audio, Site Profiles, Social, Feeds, Services1 - PasswordForceChange 1.0.7 by Adrian Jones
Force Password Change: Force users to change their password.
2025/02/25 — Admin Helpers, Authentication, Users and Access11 - PasswordBannedList 1.0.0 by madhatter
Check an entered password against the 10,000 most common passwords (From this blog: and…
2014/10/15 — Users and Access, Authentication7 - PageUseIdAsName 1.1.5 by blue-tomato
Overrides the name field (used for url) with the page-id and hides the field from the admin GUI
2021/06/28 — Other Modules1 - PageTreeAddNewChildsReverse 1.0.2 by Horst Nogajski
New Pages in Descending Sortorder (newest first) while sortmode is Manual Drag-n-Drop
2016/02/07 — Admin Helpers56 - PageTableNext 2.0.3 by Neue Rituale
The module provides a list of PageTable based content elements. It enables the backend user to easily create, publish, move, delete, copy and paste content…
2023/06/16 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules7 - PageRenameOptions 2.0.2 by Adrian Jones
Determine how pages are renamed when the title is changed
2023/09/12 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, SEO/Accessibility29 - PageProtector 2.0.9 by Adrian Jones
Allows site editors to protect pages from guest access.
2021/06/22 — Development Tools, Users and Access22 - PageListShowPageId 0.0.1 by soma
Module prepends page ID in the page list tree labels. Only visible for superusers
2017/03/24 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools7 - PageListImageLabel 2.0.1 by soma
Adds an thumbnail as label for pages.
2017/03/25 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio5