Should be safe for use in production environments.

  • MarkupSocialShareButtons 1.0.5 by soma
    Social Share Buttons: Simple and lightweight share buttons for your site.
    2019/05/20 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services
  • MarkupSitemapXML 1.1.0 by Peter Burlingham
    XML Sitemap: Generates an XML sitemap at for use with Google Webmaster Tools etc.
    2012/07/25 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • MarkupSimpleNavigation 1.3.6 by soma
    Module to render simple nested ul tree of the site structure. See readme for usage and options available.
    2017/12/21 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • MarkupRSS 1.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
    RSS Feed Generator: Given a PageArray of pages, this module will render an RSS feed from them. This is intended to be used directly from a template file.
    2012/07/31 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility, Social, Feeds, Services, Core Modules
  • MarkupProcesswirePhotoswipe 0.99.2 by blynx
    ProcessWire Photoswipe Gallery: Easily include Photoswipe by Dmitry Semenov
    2017/11/20 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio
  • MarkupMetadata 1.2.4 by Fokke
    ProcessWire 3.x markup module for rendering meta tags in HTML document head section.
    2024/12/02 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • MarkupMenu 1.2.0 by Teppo
    MarkupMenu is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for generating menu markup
    2024/03/24 — Markup Generation
  • MarkupLoadRSS 2.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
    RSS Feed Loader: Given an RSS feed URL, this module will pull it, and let you foreach() it or render it. This module will also cache feeds that you retrieve with it.
    2018/12/24 — Markup Generation, Import/Export, Social, Feeds, Services
  • MarkupLoadAtom 1.0.0 by Teppo
    Atom Feed Loader: Given an Atom feed URL, this module will pull it, cache it, and let you foreach() it or render it.
    2013/06/02 — Import/Export, Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services
  • MarkupHTMLPurifier 1.0.3 by Ryan Cramer
    HTML Purifier (Core): HTML sanitization and validation for ProcessWire. Serves as a front-end to the HTML Purifier software.
    2013/03/08 — Markup Generation, Core Modules
  • MarkupGoogleRecaptcha 2.0.0 by flydev ??
    Google reCAPTCHA: Google reCAPTCHA for ProcessWire
    2017/12/22 — Markup Generation
  • MarkupContentSecurityPolicy 1.1.2 by NB Communication
    Configure and implement a Content Security Policy for all front-end HTML pages.
    2021/08/31 — Markup Generation
  • MarkupCache 1.0.1 by Ryan Cramer
    Markup Cache (Core): This core module enables you to cache any individual pieces of generated markup.
    2012/07/25 — Markup Generation, Core Modules
  • MaintenanceMode 1.0.7 by Peter Burlingham
    Allows you to put your site into maintenance mode so that users who are not logged in are taken to the login screen and a message is displayed accordingly.
    2016/04/16 — Other Modules
  • Magyar 1.0.7 by jtherczeg
    Hungarian (hu-HU): Hungarian site and core translation files for ProcessWire in formal style.
    2014/12/07 — Language Packs
  • LoginScheduler 1.2.0 by Teppo
    Adds support for enabling or disabling login for users, either instantly or by specifying a time range.
    2018/11/07 — Authentication, Users and Access
  • LoginPersist 2.3.0 by Craig Rodway
    Persistent Login for users.: Persist user logins across browser sessions.
    2023/06/09 — Users and Access, Authentication
  • LoginNotifier 1.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
    Provides ability to send an email, ping a URL or save a log entry when a login occurs.
    2012/07/24 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access, Logs/Monitoring
  • LoginFailNotifier 1.0.4 by tcnet
    Sends a notification email for each failed login attempt.
    2022/07/21 — Admin Helpers
  • LiveChatTawkTo 1.0.2 by tcnet
    Live Chat Implements the live chat service from
    2021/07/01 — Social, Feeds, Services, Other Modules

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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