Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.
Modules 61 to 80 of 319
- SessionHandlerRedis 0.5.0 beta by Netcarver
Session handler module for ProcessWire that uses Redis as the back-end session store.
2014/12/24 — Other Modules3 - SeoMaestro 1.1.1 beta by wanze
A ProcessWire module helping you to manage SEO related tasks like a boss.
2022/06/04 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility50 - SelectizeTemplateFieldTags 0.1.2 beta by macrura
Selectize Template & Field Tags: Admin helper for enabling selectize tagging on templates.
2021/05/25 — Admin Helpers0 - SelectizeImageTags 0.0.9 beta by macrura
Admin helper for enabling selectize.js on images tags field.
2018/05/01 — Admin Helpers2 - SelectizeAll 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Enables Selectize on all InputfieldSelect and InputfieldAsmSelect fields in the ProcessWire admin.
2023/12/20 — Admin Helpers3 - InputfieldSelectMultipleTransfer 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Select Multiple Transfer: Transfer items from an unselected list to a selected list (or the opposite). Also supports drag/drop sorting.
2013/09/05 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules5 - InputfieldSelectImages 0.3.0 beta by Robin S
Select Images: An inputfield that allows the visual selection and sorting of images, intended for use with FieldtypeDynamicOptions.
2024/09/15 — Inputfield Modules4 - SearchEngineFileIndexer 0.0.1 beta by Teppo
SearchEngine add-on for indexing files
2022/07/30 — Other Modules, Proof of Concept1 - SearchCorrections 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Suggests alternative words for a given input word, useful for expanding search results.
2024/09/18 — Other Modules, Development Tools7 - ScheduleCloudBackups 0.0.2 beta by djr
Cloud backups (Amazon S3) for ProcessWire.
2015/05/12 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Proof of Concept, Other Modules3 - Sassify 0.0.6 beta by Rudy Affandi
Automatically compile Sass/SCSS/Compass in your ProcessWire templates
2018/12/11 — Development Tools, Markup Generation6 - SanitizerTransliterate 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Adds a transliterate method to $sanitizer that performs character substitutions as defined in the module config.
2024/07/26 — Other Modules2 - SanitizerEasySlugger 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Allows the use of the EasySlugger library as Sanitizer methods.
2023/11/21 — Other Modules3 - SamlAuth 1.3.0 beta by Adam Blunt
SAML Authentication: Add SAML authentication to any ProcessWire website
2020/04/03 — Authentication, Users and Access7 - FieldtypeRuntimeOnly 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Runtime Only: An inputfield that renders at runtime, with no data saved to the database.
2021/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules5 - RockSkinUikit 0.0.5 beta by bernhard
Helper module to easily skin the Uikit Admin Theme
2024/03/20 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools7 - RockMigrations1 0.0.90 beta by bernhard
Module to handle Migrations inside your Modules easily.
2022/08/30 — Development Tools3 - RockJavaScriptHooks 1.0.0 beta by bernhard
Adds hooks for ProcessWire JavaScript
2024/10/18 — Admin Helpers2 - RockFinder2 0.0.6 beta by bernhard
RockFinder2 is the successor to RockFinder v1 and while the changes might not look that big on first sight they are quite huge behind the scenes. In…
2020/06/26 — Admin Helpers1