Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.
Modules 21 to 40 of 319
- TemplateTwig 1.0.2 beta by porl
Twig Template Engine Output: Allows you to easily use the Twig Templating Engine for output.
2012/08/04 — Markup Generation, Other Modules3 - ProcessTranslatePage 0.0.8 beta by Robert Weiss
TranslatePage (via Fluency): Translates all textfields on a page via Fluency
2022/09/24 — Language Modules, Admin Helpers6 - InputfieldTinyMCE 6.1.5 beta by Ryan Cramer
TinyMCE: TinyMCE rich text editor v6 for ProcessWire 3.0.200+
2023/03/31 — Inputfield Modules16 - TextformatterOEmbed 2.0.2 beta by felixwahner
At this point this module basically wraps the fabolous Essence PHP library by Félix Girault and adds some processwire magic to parse your boring Textareas and…
2017/03/25 — Textformatter Modules4 - TextformatterImgDataUri 0.0.7 beta by BitPoet
Textformatter Image Data URI: Replace image URLs in HTML body with their encoded data URL to speed up page loads
2024/04/10 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation2 - FieldtypeTextUnique 3.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Text Unique: This is the same as the ProcessWire Text field (FieldtypeText), but enforces that values stored are unique, site-wide.
2021/05/19 — Fieldtype Modules9 - ProcessTextSynthesis 1.0.2 beta by Neue Rituale
Text Synthesis: Syntheses text fields with the Google Cloud Api Text2Speech
2024/12/16 — Process Modules, SEO/Accessibility2 - TextInputAwesomplete 0.0.7 beta by macrura
Enables autocomplete configured text inputs.
2020/03/18 — Admin Helpers6 - ProcessTerminal 1.0.1 beta by Adrian Jones
Terminal: Terminal shell for executing server commands
2019/07/22 — Development Tools6 - TemplatesChildPages 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Templates: Child Pages: For any page, allows the restricting of templates that may be used for child pages.
2018/12/15 — Admin Helpers2 - TemplateTagsEditList 0.0.3 beta by BitPoet
Template Tags Edit in List: Adds advanced tag editing to the template list just like the fields list has
2020/03/01 — Admin Helpers2 - TemplatePreviewImages 0.0.3 beta by bernhard
Show Preview Images for selectable Templates
2016/01/01 — Admin Helpers3 - TemplateOncePerParent 0.2.0 beta by BitPoet
Adds an option to each template's family settings to be used once per parent page
2024/04/15 — Users and Access3 - TemplateLatteReplace 0.6.1 beta by rolandtoth
Latte template engine support for ProcessWire.
2019/02/19 — Markup Generation, Other Modules15 - TemplateFieldWidths 0.3.2 beta by Robin S
Quickly set the widths of inputfields in a template.
2024/02/18 — Admin Helpers21 - TemplateParents 0.0.7 beta by BitPoet
Template Access by Parents: ProcessWire module that allows limiting templates for new pages based on the parent page. Can be configured for each page individually. Also supports…
2016/05/02 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept, Users and Access2 - ProcessTemplateAccess 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
Template Access: Provides an editable overview of roles that can access each template.
2024/10/14 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access4 - TagsToFolders 0.0.7 beta by EPRC
This is a small helper tool to visually organise fields/templates into folders in the menu when they are tagged
2024/07/25 — Admin Helpers6 - ProcessTagParserTest 1.0.0 beta by Netcarver
Tag Parser Test Page: Easily test the TextformatterTagParser module from the PW admin interface.
2012/10/20 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules1 - StronglyTypedTravelBlogTemplate 1.0.0 beta by BitPoet
Another Responsive Travel Blog Template for ProcessWire. Based on the Strongly Typed template from
2018/03/16 — Site Profiles2