Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.
Modules 141 to 160 of 319
- RestrictRepeaterMatrix 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Allows restrictions and limits to be placed on Repeater Matrix fields.
2022/01/30 — Admin Helpers8 - HannaCodeDialog 0.4.4 beta by Robin S
Enhances the use of Hanna tags in CKEditor fields, including the dialog-based editing of Hanna tags.
2021/12/15 — Admin Helpers38 - OneTimeOnlyCode 0.0.1 beta by benbyf
OneTimeOnlyCode creates one time only codes that can be used to access specific content
2021/11/15 — Users and Access, Authentication2 - FieldtypeRuntimeOnly 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Runtime Only: An inputfield that renders at runtime, with no data saved to the database.
2021/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules5 - TextformatterMarkdownInMarkup 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Markdown in Markup/HTML: Enables markdown to be used in existing markup/HTML like that from CKEditor.
2021/09/08 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation2 - TextformatterFindReplace 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Find/replace Textformatter: Apply find/replace patterns to formatted text or markup. Supports simple and regex find/replace.
2021/09/08 — Textformatter Modules, Development Tools2 - TextformatterEmoji 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Emoji: Converts 800+ emojis shortcodes in text to native browser UTF-8 emoji.
2021/09/02 — Textformatter Modules4 - SettingsFactory 1.0.7 beta by macrura
Create Unlimited Settings Pages!
2021/07/03 — Process Modules, Other Modules8 - PaymentModule 1.0.1 beta by apeisa
Base module for other Payment modules to extend.
2021/06/30 — Other Modules0 - ProcessLogstash 1.0.6 beta by blue-tomato
Send ProcessWire Logs to Logstash/Kibana
2021/06/29 — Logs/Monitoring0 - Lumberjack 0.1.1 beta by gurumeditation02
A simple module for ProcessWire CMS that logs the IP / User Agent details of the user when the page is saved.
2021/06/27 — Logs/Monitoring0 - FlowtiAppPerformance 0.1.1 beta by luis85
Flowti Site Admin Module Profiler: A small ProcessWire module to track a sites admin modules
2021/06/27 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules1 - ImageBlurhash 2.0.7 beta by blue-tomato
Create Blurhash Strings during image upload
2021/06/27 — Other Modules5 - RockFinder 1.1.6 beta by bernhard
Highly Efficient and Flexible SQL Finder Module
2021/06/27 — Development Tools, Import/Export, Process Modules17 - WireMailSendGrid 1.1.3 beta by thegc
Extend WireMail to bypass PHP Mail and send mail via SendGrids Web API
2021/06/27 — Admin Helpers, Email/WireMail3 - AdminThemeBoss 0.6.3 beta by noelboss
A light and clean ProcessWire Theme based on Uikit 3. It features three color schemes, an enhanced breadcrumb as well as many subtile design enhancements. The…
2021/06/27 — Admin Styles/Themes, Admin Helpers24 - SelectizeTemplateFieldTags 0.1.2 beta by macrura
Selectize Template & Field Tags: Admin helper for enabling selectize tagging on templates.
2021/05/25 — Admin Helpers0 - FieldtypeTextUnique 3.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Text Unique: This is the same as the ProcessWire Text field (FieldtypeText), but enforces that values stored are unique, site-wide.
2021/05/19 — Fieldtype Modules9