Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.
Modules 281 to 300 of 319
- MarkupDribbbleFeed 0.0.2 beta by cadoo
Dribbble Feed: Shows Dribbble feed from particular user.
2017/02/02 — Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services2 - TextformatterPrism 2.0.0 beta by abdus
Prism Syntax Highlighter: Prism JS Syntax Highlighter
2017/04/04 — Textformatter Modules1 - ProcessRecurringEvents 0.0.1 beta by psy
Automatically create new pages for recurring events: This module enables you to automatically create pages based on a ProcessWire page template, eg Calender detail page that has calendar event recurrences.
2017/02/10 — Process Modules2 - FacebookEvents 0.0.7 beta by justb3a
ProcessWire module to get Facebook Page Events using the Graph API.
2017/11/05 — Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services2 - MetadataExif 0.9.3 beta by Horst Nogajski
Image Metadata EXIF Read: Adds reading of EXIF metadata to the image object.
2017/11/29 — Photo/Video/Audio3 - PostProcessUrl 0.0.1 beta by benbyf
PostProcessUrl hard truncates name and urls to a choosen length if exceeded where ever a page is saved.
2017/04/30 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules0 - InputfieldImageMarkdownCodeAdditionalFields 1.0.2 beta by clsource
Image Field Markdown Code Additional Fields: Adds information to image fields. Helpful when using the markdown editor in text fields.
2017/06/14 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation2 - LoginFacebook 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Login for Facebook: Enables login via Facebook account and PW user creation.
2017/09/22 — Users and Access, Authentication5 - CacheNesting 0.0.2 beta
A Processwire module that manages nested caches and their dependencies. It enables you to cache multiple parts of a page with different expiration which also…
2017/11/09 — Markup Generation0 - SiteTwilight 1.0.1 beta by rafaoski
Dark Profile: Site Profile for Processwire CMS | CMF Using CSS GRID, FLEX, GRIDLEX
2017/11/17 — Site Profiles1 - PayWhirlAPI 0.0.1 beta by psy
This module is a wrapper that enables you to make requests and implement web hooks with the PayWhirl API from within ProcessWire
2018/01/24 — Development Tools, Other Modules2 - CheckboxReversed 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
Modifies InputfieldCheckbox so that it shows the reverse of its true value.
2018/02/24 — Admin Helpers0 - StripedTravelBlogTemplateResponsive 1.0.0 beta by BitPoet
Striped Travel Blog Template (Responsive): Responsive Travel Blog Template for ProcessWire
2018/03/16 — Site Profiles3 - StronglyTypedTravelBlogTemplate 1.0.0 beta by BitPoet
Another Responsive Travel Blog Template for ProcessWire. Based on the Strongly Typed template from
2018/03/16 — Site Profiles2 - ImageOptim 0.1.0 beta by daun
Compress images using the ImageOptim API
2018/04/13 — Photo/Video/Audio6 - ProcessDocumentation 1.0.5 beta by macrura
A process you can use to create documentation pages.
2021/05/17 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules1 - CookieManagementBanner 0.4.11 beta by Adrian Jones
Cookie management banner allows users to manage tracking cookies.
2019/06/30 — Markup Generation14 - FieldDescriptionsExtended 1.1.1 beta by macrura
Create extended field descriptions and have the longer part hidden with toggle.
2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers1