Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.
Modules 201 to 220 of 319
- FormTemplateProcessor 1.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Proof-of-concept module to let you use templates as web contact forms. Can send you email and/or save the submission to a page in your site. Intended to be a…
2012/07/24 — Other Modules, Proof of Concept6 - PageTableExtraActions 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Allows PageTable items to be published/unpublished and hidden/unhidden directly from the inputfield.
2018/07/14 — Admin Helpers6 - MediaLibrary 0.1.6 beta by BitPoet
Simple Media Library module for ProcessWire
2019/11/21 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules12 - MailDebugger 0.0.1 beta by chrizz
Handy debugging and logging of emails for ProcessWire
2018/02/22 — Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Email/WireMail1 - SubscribeToMailchimp 0.0.6 beta by danielstieber
Manage Mailchimp Subscription: A lightweight module to subscribe, update, unsubscribe and delete users from lists in Mailchimp
2020/05/20 — Email/WireMail, Social, Feeds, Services7 - ImageSizerEngineIMagickCLI 0.1.1 beta by Horst Nogajski
ImageSizerEngine ImageMagick CLI: Upgrades image manipulations to use The CLI (exec) version of ImageMagick
2016/03/08 — Photo/Video/Audio7 - TextInputAwesomplete 0.0.7 beta by macrura
Enables autocomplete configured text inputs.
2020/03/18 — Admin Helpers6 - WireMailSwiftMailer 0.3.0 beta by Teppo
WireMail: Swift Mailer: WireMail module providing Swift Mailer integration
2022/03/22 — Email/WireMail16 - RockFinder 1.1.6 beta by bernhard
Highly Efficient and Flexible SQL Finder Module
2021/06/27 — Development Tools, Import/Export, Process Modules17 - PageimageRemoveVariations 0.0.4 beta by rolandtoth
This module let you clear the images cache sitewide, but big WARNING: it also removes ImageVariations from RTE-Fields!
2016/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Photo/Video/Audio6 - FieldtypeGridSpace 0.0.0 beta by carlitoselmago
Grid Space: A grid selector for space design.
2022/07/25 — Fieldtype Modules1 - ProcessSetupPageName 2.1.5 beta by kixe
Setup Page Name: Overwrites function setupPageName() in class Pages (core), which is typically called in case of autogeneration of pages. Provides more options for 'Name…
2024/03/28 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules11 - ProcessTerminal 1.0.1 beta by Adrian Jones
Terminal: Terminal shell for executing server commands
2019/07/22 — Development Tools6 - SessionLoginAlarm 2.0.6 beta by Netcarver
Notify users of successful login or failed login attempts on their accounts.
2019/07/27 — Admin Helpers, Logs/Monitoring, Users and Access, Authentication3 - WireMailGmail 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
WireMail: Gmail: WireMail module that sends email through Google’s Gmail. Requires GoogleClientAPI module first.
2019/07/19 — Email/WireMail4 - Discussions 1.0.0 beta by apeisa
Super simple discussions board for ProcessWire.
2012/07/25 — Markup Generation, Proof of Concept, Social, Feeds, Services5 - TemplateTwig 1.0.2 beta by porl
Twig Template Engine Output: Allows you to easily use the Twig Templating Engine for output.
2012/08/04 — Markup Generation, Other Modules3 - Auth2FactorPPP 2.0.1 beta by Netcarver
PPP 2-Factor Authentication: Adds 2 factor login to PW using the PPP One-Time-Pad System.
2018/07/09 — Authentication, Proof of Concept2 - ProcessTagParserTest 1.0.0 beta by Netcarver
Tag Parser Test Page: Easily test the TextformatterTagParser module from the PW admin interface.
2012/10/20 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules1