Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.
Modules 41 to 60 of 319
- ImageColorThief 1.0.2 beta by Jacob Gorny
Adds methods to extract dominant color palettes from an image or image edge.
2023/08/11 — Photo/Video/Audio, Fieldtype Modules3 - ProcessSessionInfo 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Sessions: Lists information about active sessions in a similar way to SessionHandlerDB, but for file-based sessions.
2024/10/21 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access2 - PageListAutoExpand 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
Automatically expands the next adjacent page when moving a page in Page List.
2023/07/05 — Admin Helpers7 - FieldtypeMapDrawFeatures 0.0.3 beta by NB Communication
Draw Map Features: Stores a GeoJSON FeatureCollection drawn on a MapLibre map.
2023/11/29 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules6 - TextformatterJsonDecode 0.0.1 beta by NB Communication
JSON Decode: Passes the given text through json_decode(), returning the value (if valid) as a StdClass object.
2023/06/30 — Textformatter Modules2 - WireMailPostmarkApp 0.0.2 beta by NB Communication
WireMail Postmark API: Extends WireMail to use the Postmark API for sending emails.
2024/03/27 — Email/WireMail1 - WireCacheFilesystem 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
WireCache Filesystem cache handler for ProcessWire 3.0.218+: ProcessWire WireCache module that replaces the default cache handler with a file system based cache.
2023/05/26 — Development Tools, Proof of Concept1 - PageEditRestore 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Prevents page edits in the admin from getting lost when a user session is lost.
2023/10/12 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access4 - ProCacheSync 0.0.5 beta by NB Communication
Synchronises ProCache clearing across a multi-instance environment.
2024/02/26 — Other Modules, Proof of Concept1 - TextformatterFootnotes 0.1.3 beta by EPRC
Footnotes: Adds footnotes using Markdown Extra’s syntax, minus Markdown
2025/02/24 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation2 - JkPublishPages 1.3.15 beta by juergen
Publish/Unpublish pages: Publish/unpublish, delete or move pages depending on dates and times using LazyCron.
2025/01/12 — Other Modules, Inputfield Modules3 - AlpineJS 0.0.5 beta by Eduardo San Miguel Garcia
Alpine.js: ModuleJS module to add Alpine.js to ProcessWire.
2023/09/26 — Admin Helpers2 - AdminActionsReplaceHome 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Replace Home: Replaces the template and content of the home page with that of a selected page. An addon action for the Admin Actions module.
2024/05/17 — Admin Helpers1 - TagsToFolders 0.0.7 beta by EPRC
This is a small helper tool to visually organise fields/templates into folders in the menu when they are tagged
2024/07/25 — Admin Helpers6 - FieldtypeStars 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Stars: Sets a float value by selecting a star rating.
2023/02/18 — Inputfield Modules, Fieldtype Modules8 - InputfieldSlideToggle 0.0.5 beta by BitPoet
Sliding Toggle: Smartphone style sliding toggle as replacement for plain checkboxes
2022/11/24 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules2 - TextformatterLiteYouTubeEmbed 1.0.1 beta by jacmaes
Lite YouTube Embed: Replaces plain YouTube links in a CKEditor field with Paul Irish's much faster YouTube embed script.
2022/11/21 — Textformatter Modules, Photo/Video/Audio1 - ImageMegapixels 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Adds methods to Pageimage objects useful for resizing to a target megapixel value.
2023/09/26 — Photo/Video/Audio1 - AdminStyleDark 1.1.0 beta by flydev ??
Dark Style for AdminThemeUikit
2023/07/24 — Admin Styles/Themes, Admin Helpers1