Close to stable, but users are advised to be cautious and test thoroughly.

  • TextformatterAccordion 0.0.1 beta by renobird
    Accordion: Convert portions of textarea content into a and collapse into an accordion. Put 5+ hyphens '-----Your Title Here' on a single line (within paragraph…
    2014/07/07 — Textformatter Modules
  • AmazonS3Cloudfront 0.6.0 beta by nmendes
    Amazon S3 / Cloudfront Backup and Serve asset files: Sync and Backup page assets uploaded into PW to Amazon S3 and Deliver them via Amazon Cloudfront
    2014/06/20 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio, Proof of Concept
  • ServiceCurrencyConversion 0.0.3 beta by Ryan Cramer
    Currency Conversion: Provides API capabilities for converting from one currency to another, using the OpenExchangeRates service.
    2020/12/07 — Development Tools, Language Modules, Social, Feeds, Services
  • MarkupRSSEnhanced 1.0.0 beta by martijn-geerts
    Markup RSS Feed enhanced: Renders an RSS feed. Given a PageArray, renders an RSS feed of them.
    2014/05/08 — Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services
  • BatchChildEditor 1.8.31 beta by Adrian Jones
    Quick batch creation (titles only or CSV import for other fields), editing, sorting, deletion, and CSV export of all children under a given page.
    2025/02/17 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export
  • WireMailSwiftMailer 0.3.0 beta by Teppo
    WireMail: Swift Mailer: WireMail module providing Swift Mailer integration
    2022/03/22 — Email/WireMail
  • TextformatterAutoSchema 1.0.0 beta by David Karich
    ProcessWire-Textformatter-AutoSchema: AutoSchema automatically sets the basic properties of the micro data of For example, for headings, images and links. Images are automatically…
    2014/01/10 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility, Textformatter Modules
  • HannaCodeHelper 0.5.0 beta by Teppo
    Adds a helper plugin to fields with supported editor and TextformatterHannaCode enabled.
    2013/10/17 — Admin Helpers
  • Spex 0.9.9 beta by jonathan-dart
    Spex: An asset and template management module: An asset and template management module.
    2013/10/11 — Markup Generation, Other Modules
  • ProcessRedirectIds 0.4.0 beta by Adrian Jones
    Redirect ID based URLs: Redirects ID based URL to full ProcessWire default URL
    2020/05/27 — Other Modules
  • InputfieldSelectMultipleTransfer 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
    Select Multiple Transfer: Transfer items from an unselected list to a selected list (or the opposite). Also supports drag/drop sorting.
    2013/09/05 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules
  • FieldtypePagesSelectorQuery 1.0.1 beta by alevine
    Create a Pages->find(query) as a field: This module allows you to defined a Pages selector query ($pages>find()) as a field and attach it to a template. The results of the query (PageArray) are…
    2013/07/22 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules
  • FormTemplateProcessorMailer 1.0.0 beta by cnsknight
    Form Template Processor and Mailer: Template fields define web contact forms. Can send forms as emails with or without PHPMailer. Can save forms as pages. Allows custom rendering. Features…
    2013/07/16 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Email/WireMail
  • LocalAudioFiles 0.1.5 beta by Horst Nogajski
    Local Audio Files MP3-DB: The Local Audio Files DB is a combination of a Module and a SiteProfile. It is intended to import MP3-files from your filesystem into ProcessWire, read…
    2015/09/08 — Photo/Video/Audio, Site Profiles
  • TextformatterAutoParagraph 1.0.1 beta by gerritvanaaken
    Auto Paragraph: Convert line breaks into < br > and < p > in an intelligent fashion. Based on:, found at Drupal filter core…
    2013/06/10 — Textformatter Modules
  • ProcessEmailToPage 1.3.3 beta by Peter Burlingham
    Parses emails and image attachments from multiple addresses to various parts of your site so you can update them via mobile devices.
    2018/10/17 — Import/Export, Photo/Video/Audio, Social, Feeds, Services, Email/WireMail
  • ProcessAdminCustomPages 1.1.1 beta by diogo
    Admin Custom Pages: Create custom admin pages easily without having to build a Process Module.
    2019/01/14 — Development Tools, Process Modules
  • PageEditPerRole 0.0.1 beta by pogidude
    Assign edit access to roles on a per-page basis.
    2013/05/21 — Users and Access
  • Indexer 0.8.3 beta by ussliberty
    Site Indexer: This module provide an efficent search index, also with pdf/doc files (require poppler-utils and wv). Optionally you can activate a PHP class for handling pdfs…
    2025/01/21 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept, Other Modules
  • japanese 0.9.0 beta by gzlabs
    Japanese Language Pack (ja-JP): Japanese Language Pack (ja-JP) 日本語のランゲージパック
    2013/04/18 — Language Packs

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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  • ProcessWire Weekly #565
    The 565th issue of ProcessWire Weekly brings in all the latest news from the ProcessWire community. Modules, sites, and more. Read on! / 8 March 2025
  • ProcessWire 3.0.244 new main/master version
    ProcessWire 3.0.244 is our newest main/master/stable version. It's been more than a year in the making and is packed with tons of new features, issue fixes, optimizations and more. This post covers all the details.
    Blog / 18 January 2025
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