Non-stable. Not yet intended for use in production environments.
Modules 21 to 40 of 45
- AdminRestrictPageTree 1.0.0 alpha by Netcarver
Stops users with certain roles from accessing the page tree.
2014/11/13 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access10 - CacheRedis 0.0.2 alpha by BitPoet
Redis Cache: Simple interface to Redis in-memory storage similar to WireCache
2020/02/28 — Markup Generation2 - Subscribers 0.0.3 alpha by benbyf
Module to subscribe new users or a particualr role, and module for showing users in a list in the admin. Has a front end page for subscribing your users…
2017/04/30 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules, Users and Access3 - LoolEditor 0.0.9 alpha by BitPoet
LibreOffice Online Editor: Allow editing page files in common office formats directly in the ProcessWire backend with LibreOffice Online / Collabora CODE.
2018/04/15 — Inputfield Modules2 - ProcessPagesExport 0.0.1 alpha by kongondo
Pages Export: A module and class for exporting ProcessWire 2.x sites in a format compatible with import into ProcessWire 3.x using its new Pages Export/Import feature.
2018/03/22 — Development Tools, Import/Export1 - GrayscalePw 1.01 alpha by rafaoski
Grayscale Profile: Grayscale Profile for Processwire CMS | CMF ( No sample pages )
2018/03/10 — Site Profiles4 - RestApiProfile 0.1.0 alpha by Thomas Aull
Build a rest API with ProcessWire. Including JWT-Auth and a Vue SPA example
2018/09/19 — Site Profiles3 - MarkupPlyrMediaPlayer 0.2.1 alpha by tsdtsdtsd
Plyr Media Player: This module adds the Plyr HTML5 Media Player to ProcessWire.
2015/09/28 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio2 - FacebookLogin 0.0.1 alpha by apeisa
Adds facebook login/register for your website or application.
2012/08/21 — Social, Feeds, Services5 - InlineEditor 0.0.0 alpha by sinmok
An inline, front end editor that uses CKEditor and the HTML5 contenteditable attribute.
2013/05/10 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Proof of Concept9 - InputfieldTrumbowyg 0.0.10 alpha by Teppo
Trumbowyg: Trumbowyg rich text editor (WYSIWYG) module
2014/07/06 — Inputfield Modules4 - KnowledgeBaseSiteProfile 0.0.1 alpha by marcus
Rudimentary site profile for CMS/CMF ProcessWire in early development.
2014/07/17 — Site Profiles4 - MarkupAdaptive 0.0.4 alpha by martijn-geerts
Javascript helper to sync your CSS media queries with javascript.
2014/10/18 — Markup Generation0 - ServiceIPGeolocation 0.6.1 alpha by Netcarver
IP Based Geolocation module for ProcessWire.
2014/12/16 — Social, Feeds, Services3 - InputfieldSourceCode 0.0.6 alpha by martijn-geerts
Display a string with the rendered output of this Page (per it's Template) in an Inputfield. The markup could be copied with a button click (flash enabled…
2015/01/09 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules3 - PagesMapManager 0.2.0 alpha by entil-zha
Allows you to manage pages in mindmap.
2015/04/27 — Admin Helpers0 - FieldtypeHandsontable 0.0.4 alpha by bernhard
FieldtypeHandsontable: Excel-like Inputfield: Fieldtype to easily create Excel-Like Inputfields and store as JSON
2017/09/16 — Fieldtype Modules, Import/Export, Inputfield Modules4 - SimpleForms 0.8.1 alpha by Mike Rockett
[Archived] A simple, developer-centric form processor for ProcessWire.
2021/06/27 — Markup Generation, Other Modules0 - ProcessSlider 0.0.2 alpha by mauricius
Easily insert Jssor Sliders in your ProcessWire content
2015/10/18 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio4 - CroppableImage 0.8.4 alpha by Horst Nogajski
Croppable Image (alpha): Module for ProcessWire 2.5.11+
2015/10/21 — Other Modules11