ProcessRenderFile by Robin S

A Process module that renders markup from files.

Process Render File

A Process module that renders markup from files in /site/templates/ProcessRenderFile/. This provides an easy way to create simple admin screens where it might be overkill to create a dedicated Process module for the purpose.

Process page

When you install the module a page with the name "render-file" and the title "Render File" is created under Setup. To change the page name or title, expand Page List to Admin > Setup > Render File and open the page for editing.

Tip: if you create a new text field with the name "page_icon" and add it to the core "admin" template you can set a custom menu icon for the page by entering the icon name into the field. E.g. enter "smile-o" to use a smiley icon for the page.

If you want to use ProcessRenderFile for more than one Process page you can create a new page under Setup. Select "admin" for the template, enter a title for the page, and in the next step choose ProcessRenderFile in the Process dropdown.

Render files for URL segments

On install the module will create a "ProcessRenderFile" folder in /site/templates/. Any .php files you save to this folder will be rendered as the output of a matching URL segment for Process pages using ProcessRenderFile.

For example, if you create a file foo.php containing code...

echo "This is the output of foo.php";

...then you'll see this output when you visit /processwire/setup/render-file/foo/ (assuming the default ProcessWire admin page name and the default ProcessRenderFile page name). In the render file you can use all the ProcessWire API variables like $pages, $input, etc, as you would in a template file.

If you create foo.js and foo.css (or foo.scss if you have ProCache installed) then those assets will be automatically loaded when you visit /processwire/setup/render-file/foo/.

When a file is rendered the filename will be converted into a capitalised format that's used as a browser title and a headline. If you want to set a custom browser title and/or headline you can do this in your render file:

$this->wire('processBrowserTitle', 'Custom browser title');
$this->wire('processHeadline', 'Custom headline');

Render file for the Process page

If you create a render file that has the same name as the ProcessRenderFile Process page then this file will be rendered when the Process page is viewed without any URL segment. So for the default ProcessRenderFile page name you would create render-file.php. Note that this will override the default list output described below.


The module configuration screen lets you select URL segment render files to appear as menu items.


The selected render files will appear in the flyout menu for the Process page, and also as a list when the Process page is viewed without any URL segment. The list is only shown if you haven't created a render file for the Process page as described above.



If you've created more than one ProcessRenderFile Process page then you'll see menu options for each page in the module configuration.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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