ProcessAdminCustomPages by diogo

Create custom admin pages easily without having to build a Process Module.

Admin Custom Pages Module for ProcessWire

Create custom admin pages easily without having to build a Process Module.

The new version of this module works only with ProcessWire 2.4 and higher. Differences are explained bellow.

Since version 1.1.0 the installation process automatically adds a custom Fieldtype to the admin template. This creates a select field where you can choose the template file to render. This functionality was added by Nico

☞ This module makes it easy to create simple admin pages but you can also create them in much more powerfull way without the need of a module. Have a look at this post written by Bernhard Baumrock to know how it's done

To prepare the module:

  1. Place the module folder in /site/modules/
  2. Install the module in the modules page from the admin

To create the pages:

  1. Create a new page under "Admin" and give it the "admin" template. As "process" you have to choose "ProcessAdminCustomPages".
  2. A field called "Template file" will appear. Select the file you want (we recommend that the file name starts with underscore "_" so it doesn't appear in new template sugestions, ex: "_custom.php").
  3. That's all.

To add custom script and style files to the page:

  1. Add the "ACP_scripts_and_styles" to the page template (the field that was created automaticaly on instalation)
  2. Add the .js and .css URLs in this field textarea, one in each line. can be absolute or relative (relative is assumed from the site root on eg: site/templates/styles/my.css)



This page has no Process assigned.

You probably forgot to choose "ProcessCustomPages" as Process. (See step 1)


Module home:

Support forum:


That's it! Hope you enjoy the module ;)

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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