Module for Cookie management and async loading of (external) scripts / assets


Cookie & Consent Manager for ProcessWire

This module adds the possibility to define cookie / consent groups and load corresponding elements only after the site visitor has given consent.
The following cookie groups are available (the frontend visible label is editable and translatable, this is just the technical name)

  • Necessary
  • Functional
  • Statistics
  • Marketing
  • External Media
  • (All Cookies)
    Necessary elements are always active. You can let the user decide, which individual cookie group(s) should be allowed, and/or add an „Allow all“ button.

You can insert basic styles via css or completely style it yourself. The PrivacyWire Core Javascript file is available both as ES6 as well as transpiled with Babel for IE11 support. Both versions have a very small footprint:

PrivacyWire.js< 9 kb< 3 kb
PrivacyWire_legacy.js< 13 kb< 4 kb

To load scripts, frames, images or other elements only after the site visitor has given consent to that specific cookie group, use the following attributes:

<script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="functional" class="require-consent">console.log("This script only runs after giving consent to functional cookies");</script>

You can even render and alternate Opt-In text instead of the element:

<iframe data-src="" data-category="marketing" data-ask-consent="1" class="require-consent" frameborder="0" height="400" width="400"></iframe>

Available attributes:

class require-consentoptional (required if config option enabled)If the config option "Detect consent windows by class require-consent instead of data-attribute" is enabledstring
data-categoryrequireddefines the assigned cookie group for this elementstring
data-typeoptional (required for scripts)replaces the type attribute after giving consentstring
data-srcoptional (required for external scripts, images or iframes)replaces the src attribute after giving consentstring
data-srsetoptionalreplaces the srcset attribute for images after giving consentstring
data-ask-consentoptionalReplace element with Opt-In-Elementbool 0/1

For script tags it is required to add type="text/plain", otherwise the script executes directly.

Textformatter to choose Cookie groups / Opt-Out

With PrivacyWire itself comes a Textformatter with the shortcode [[privacywire-choose-cookies]] to add a button to show the cookie group selection window.
To automatically include the Opt-In-Element for embedded videos via TextformatterVideoEmbed you can choose the cookie group in the Textformatter settings.

Multiple language support / i18n

The module uses the ProcessWire-integrated translation system.

Hookable methods

Most of the module methods are hookable! Have a look into PrivacyWire.module to find out more.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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