MarkupMenu is a ProcessWire CMS/CMF module for generating menu markup

MarkupMenu ProcessWire module

MarkupMenu is a ProcessWire module for generating markup for navigation menus. When provided a root page as a starting point and (optional, but recommended) the current (active) page, it generates the markup for a navigation menu as an unordered list <ul> wrapped with a <nav> element based on said arguments.

MarkupMenu provides a number of configurable options, including template strings used for various menu items (such as the list and nav element mentioned above), as well as hookable methods for those who need full control over how their menus are laid out.


MarkupMenu is intended for front-end use, but you can of course use it in a module as well. Typically you'll only need the render() method, which takes an array of options as its only argument:

echo $modules->get('MarkupMenu')->render([
    'root_page' => $pages->get(1),
    'current_page' => $page,

Note: if you omit the root_page option, site root page is used by default – unless you've specified the menu_items option, in which case a root page is not necessary at all. If you omit current_page, the menu will be rendered, but current (active) page can't be highlighted etc.

Alternatively you can use MarkupMenu to render a predefined list of menu items by providing the menu_items option. Value of said option can be a PageArray or an array of arrays:

echo $modules->get('MarkupMenu')->render([
    'current_page' => $page,
    'menu_items' => [
            'title' => 'Home',
            'url' => '/',
            'id' => 1,
            'title' => 'Search',
            'url' => '/search/',
            'id' => 26,
            'title' => 'About',
            'url' => '/about/',
            'id' => 29,

If you provide a predefined array of menu items, you can define current (active) page in the array (by default by assigning boolean true in the 'is_current' property for the active item), but if you instead provide 'current_page' and ID for each menu item like in above example, MarkupMenu can figure out active and parent pages automatically.


Below you'll find all the available options and their default values. You can override these defaults with the array you pass to the render method, or you can specify an array of site-wide custom options via the site config setting $config->MarkupMenu:

$config->MarkupMenu = [

    // 'root_page' is the starting point for the menu. This is optional if you provide 'menu_items'
    // instead, but leaving *both* empty will make MarkupMenu::render() return an empty string.
    'root_page' => null,

    // 'menu_items' is an optional, prepopulated PageArray of first level menu items.
    'menu_items' => null,

    // 'current' page is the current or active menu page.
    'current_page' => null,

    // 'templates' define the template strings used for rendering individual parts of the menu:
    // - the semantic <nav> element that acts as a wrapper for the menu ('nav'),
    // - the lists wrapping the menu items and the subtrees within it ('list'),
    // - the list items wrapping menu branches ('list_item'),
    // - the items (links) in the menu ('item')
    // - the active item ('item_current')
    // special placeholder values supported by default and populated while rendering the menu:
    // - {classes}: all default classes applied, including template class, current class, etc.
    // - {class}: the template class only, mostly useful for adding a prefix to other classes
    // - {item}: the item itself, i.e. a Page object and all its field values andproperties
    // - {level}: the level of current item, represented by an integer starting from 1
    // As of MarkupMenu 0.11.0 you can alternatively provide a callable (or an anonymous function)
    // that returns the template string in question. This callback function receives the menu item
    // and the options array as its arguments.
    'templates' => [
        'nav' => '<nav class="{classes}">%s</nav>',
        'list' => '<ul class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">%s</ul>',
        'list_item' => '<li class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">%s</li>',
        'item' => '<a href="{item.url}" class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">{item.title}</a>',
        'item_current' => '<span class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">{item.title}</span>',

    // 'include' defines the pages included in the menu: you can provide 'selector' string to choose suitable pages,
    // and use a boolean toggle ('root_page') to choose whether the root page itself should be included in the menu.
    'include' => [
        'selector' => null,
        'root_page' => false,

    // 'exclude' rules are the opposite of the include rules, and allow you to define the pages not
    // included in the menu: pages matching a selector string, non-listable pages ('listable' value
    // of false means that non-listable pages are excluded), and pages that would exceed a maximum
    // level or depth ('level_greater_than').
    // **NOTE**: exclude rules are applied *after* initial query, which makes them less performant
    // than include rules; in particular one should always prefer the selector in the include rules
    // over the one in the exclude rules.
    'exclude' => [
        'selector' => null,
        'listable' => false,
        'level_greater_than' => null,

    // 'collapsed', in the lack of a better name, defines whether your menu should only be rendered
    // up current (active) page, or first level if no current page was provided.
    'collapsed' => true,

    // 'flat_root' is only useful if you've chosen to include the root page in the menu: this puts
    // the root page at the same level as your other first level pages – typically you'd want this,
    // so that your home page shows up at the same level as the first level below it.
    'flat_root' => true,

    // 'placeholder_options' is an array of options that will be passed to wirePopulateStringTags()
    // function, used for tag replacements in templates defined via the 'templates' option.
    'placeholder_options' => [],

    // 'placeholders' can be used to provide additional custom values for string replacements used
    // within the template strings defined via the 'templates' option.
    'placeholders' => [],

    // 'classes' can be used to override default class names added to items when the {classes} tag
    // is used in template strings defined via the 'templates' option.
    'classes' => [
        // 'page_id' => '&--page-id-', // note: page_id is disabled by default!
        'nav' => 'menu',
        'list' => 'menu__list',
        'list_item' => 'menu__list-item',
        'item' => 'menu__item',
        'item_current' => 'menu__item',
        'current' => '&--current',
        'parent' => '&--parent',
        'has_children' => '&--has-children',

    // 'array_item_keys' are used to pull data from menu items when an array of menu items (arrays)
    // is provided via the 'menu_items' option.
    'array_item_keys' => [
        'id' => 'id',
        'is_current' => 'is_current',
        'is_parent' => 'is_parent',
        'children' => 'children',


  • ProcessWire >= 3.0.112
  • PHP >= 7.1.0

If you're working on an earlier version of ProcessWire or PHP, I'd highly recommend checking out MarkupSimpleNavigation module instead:


This module can be installed just like any other ProcessWire module, by downloading or cloning the MarkupMenu directory into your /site/modules/ directory. Alternatively you can install the module via Composer:

composer require teppokoivula/markup-menu


This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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