• FieldtypeRuntimeOnly 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
    Runtime Only: An inputfield that renders at runtime, with no data saved to the database.
    2021/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules
  • MarkupJsonLDSchema 0.0.2 beta by psy
    JSON+LD Schema: This module helps you dynamically create schemas from within your templates. Each schema can be configured to meet your requirements. You can even add your own…
    2016/06/27 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • PrivacyWire 1.1.6 by Joshua
    PrivacyWire Cookie Management and async asset loading: Module for Cookie management and async loading of (external) scripts / assets
    2024/03/27 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • WireMailSmtp 0.8.0 by Horst Nogajski
    WireMail: SMTP: extends WireMail, uses SMTP protocol (plain | ssl | tls), provides: to, cc, bcc, attachments, priority, disposition notification, bulksending, ...
    2024/10/03 — Email/WireMail
  • DataSet 1.0.1 beta by mtwebit
    ProcessWire modules for importing and handling large data sets.
    2024/04/05 — Import/Export
  • AddImageUrls 0.3.4 beta by Robin S
    Allows images/files to be added to Image/File fields by pasting URLs.
    2024/10/03 — Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldRecurme 1.0.1 by joshuag
    Recurme - Processwire Recurring Dates Field & Custom Calendar Module: A Recurring Dates InputField for your Processwire templates. Custom frontend and admin calendars. The InputField you’ve been waiting for. Complex RRule date…
    2017/05/29 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Markup Generation, Premium Modules, Process Modules, Other Modules
  • FieldtypeDatetimeAdvanced 1.0.4 by BitPoet
    DatetimeAdvanced: Replacement for FieldtypeDatetime with support for subfield selectors like year, month, hour or day of year
    2020/03/01 — Fieldtype Modules
  • ProcessAssetsBackups 0.9.1 alpha by jaromic
    Assets Backups: Create and/or restore assets backups from ProcessWire admin.
    2019/04/29 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export, Process Modules
  • ProcessCustomUploadNames 1.3.5 by Adrian Jones
    Custom Upload Names: Automatically rename file (including image) uploads according to a configurable format
    2024/03/29 — Admin Helpers
  • AppApi 1.3.4 by Sebi
    Connect your apps to ProcessWire! This module helps you to create api-endpoints, to which an app or an external service can connect to.
    2024/10/04 — Authentication, Development Tools
  • Mystique 0.0.21 beta by ukyo (@trk)
    Mystique is a config file based field creation module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF by ALTI VE BIR.
    2023/01/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Other Modules
  • CustomInputfieldDependencies 0.3.0 beta by Robin S
    Extends inputfield dependencies so that inputfield visibility or required status may be determined at runtime by selector or custom PHP code.
    2024/06/01 — Admin Helpers
  • BrazilianPortuguese 1 by Daniel Zilli
    Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) Language Pack: Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) translation files for ProcessWire 3.x.
    2024/09/05 — Language Packs
  • TfaTotp 0.0.4 by Ryan Cramer
    TOTP two-factor authentication: For apps like Google Authenticator, Authy, and other TOTP-based authenticator applications. Requires ProcessWire 3.0.109+.
    2020/06/26 — Authentication, Users and Access
  • ConnectPageFields 0.3.7 beta by Robin S
    Allows the connecting of two related Page fields so that changing one updates the other.
    2024/04/11 — Admin Helpers
  • ProcessAdminActions 0.9.6 by Adrian Jones
    Admin Actions: Control panel for running various admin actions
    2024/09/19 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools
  • AdminPageFieldEditLinks 3.1.6 by thetuningspoon
    Page Field Edit Links: Adds modal editing capability to ProcessWire's Page fields in the admin editor, allowing editors to easily view and edit the content of any page(s) that…
    2023/12/30 — Admin Helpers
  • LazyCron 1.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
    Lazy Cron (Core): This core module provides hooks that are automatically executed at various intervals. This module is already included with the ProcessWire core, but not…
    2012/07/25 — Other Modules, Core Modules
  • MinimalFieldset 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
    Adds a config option to fieldsets to render them without label or padding in Page Edit.
    2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

Latest news

  • ProcessWire Weekly #544
    In the 150th issue of ProcessWire Weekly we'll check out brand-new third party module called Inputfield Dependency Helper, share some recent highlights from the support forum, and more. Read on!
    Weekly.pw / 12 October 2024
  • Custom Fields Module
    This week we look at a new ProFields module named Custom Fields. This module provides a way to rapidly build out ProcessWire fields that contain any number of subfields/properties within them.
    Blog / 30 August 2024
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“ProcessWire is like a breath of fresh air. So powerful yet simple to build with and customise, and web editors love it too.” —Margaret Chatwin, Web developer