FoundationSiteProfile by Ryan Cramer

ProcessWire Site Profile Using Zurb Foundation, for ProcessWire 2.5+.

ProcessWire Site Profile Using Zurb Foundation

  • Requires ProcessWire 2.5 or newer.

  • Ready to be expanded upon with built-in support for deeper levels of navigation nesting in the sidebar.

  • Pagination ready with Foundation-specific pagination output, when/if you want it.

  • Improved search engine, relative to the basic profile.

  • Library of Foundation-specific markup generation functions included, primary for generation of navigation (in _nav.php).

  • Currently uses Foundation 4, but you can upgrade it to the latest version of Foundation by replacing the /site/templates/foundation/ directory.

To Install

Grab a copy of the latest ProcessWire. Copy or upload the /site-foundation/ directory and everything in it to the root of your ProcessWire files. This is the same directory that ProcessWire's index.php and /site-default/ directories live. So you'll have a /site-foundation/ alongside ProcessWire's /site-default/ and any other profiles it comes with.

Load the URL to your ProcessWire installation in your browser to initiate the installer. Select the "Blog Profile" from the dropdown when prompted to do so. The installer will take care of the rest.




Site profile developed by Ryan Cramer

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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“Indeed, if ProcessWire can be considered as a CMS in its own right, it also offers all the advantages of a CMF (Content Management Framework). Unlike other solutions, the programmer is not forced to follow the proposed model and can integrate his/her ways of doing things.” —Guy Verville, Spiria Digital Inc.