Textformatter modules that provide run-time formatting for blocks of text (typically used with Text/Textarea fields).
Modules 41 to 56 of 56
- TextformatterAccordion 0.0.1 beta by renobird
Accordion: Convert portions of textarea content into a and collapse into an accordion. Put 5+ hyphens '-----Your Title Here' on a single line (within paragraph…
2014/07/07 — Textformatter Modules6 - TextformatterTextile 3.5.5 by Netcarver
Textile: A text formatting module for parsing the Textile lightweight markup language. This uses the netcarver/textile package from Github.
2014/10/14 — Textformatter Modules15 - TextformatterCurrency 1.1.0 beta by Netcarver
PW-TextformatterCurrency: Locale aware currency formatter module for Processwire
2016/05/21 — Textformatter Modules0 - TextformatterBBCode 1.4.5 by Ryan Cramer
BBCode Text Formatter: Provides BBCode parsing capability suitable for untrusted user input.
2012/07/23 — Textformatter Modules2 - TextformatterOEmbed 2.0.2 beta by felixwahner
At this point this module basically wraps the fabolous Essence PHP library by Félix Girault and adds some processwire magic to parse your boring Textareas and…
2017/03/25 — Textformatter Modules4 - TextformatterMakeLinks 1.0.1 by interrobang
Textformatter Make HTML Links: This Textformatter will create HTML links out of anything that resembles a URL or email address, as long as it is not already part of an tag.
2019/05/08 — Textformatter Modules16 - TextformatterImageFieldMarkup 1.0.4 by diogo
Image Field Markup: Allows you to use image fields inside markup languages, notably, Markdown and Textile in Processwire text fields
2016/06/25 — Textformatter Modules3 - TextformatterThinspacePlus 1.0.3 by michael-van-laar
“Flatten” a text by replacing newline characters (as well as repeated consecutive whitespace characters) with just one space character. Extends Netcarver’s…
2016/10/21 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterVideoEmbedOptions 0.4.0 by blynx
Global Options for Embedded YouTube/Vimeo Videos: Set options for embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos. Must run after e.g. TextformatterVideoEmbed! For detailed documentation the options, see: https
2022/06/09 — Textformatter Modules3 - TextformatterExternalRedirect 0.0.6 by BitPoet
External Link Redirect: Parses links in textareas and prepends a local redirector URL
2019/07/18 — Textformatter Modules0 - TextformatterRemoveBlocks 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
Remove Blocks: Textformatter that removes blocks of text/markup between configurable delimiters from output.
2018/09/05 — Textformatter Modules0 - TextformatterMultiValue 1.3.4 beta by rolandtoth
MultiValue Textformatter: Allows setting key = value pairs in a textarea or text field to use as variable groups in templates.
2016/05/14 — Admin Helpers, Textformatter Modules2 - TextformatterReplaceCurlyQuotes 1.0.0 by twitch
Replace Curly Quotes: Replaces single and double curly quotes/apostrophes with regular quotes/apostrophes
2017/08/03 — Textformatter Modules0 - TextformatterPrism 2.0.0 beta by abdus
Prism Syntax Highlighter: Prism JS Syntax Highlighter
2017/04/04 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterParsedownExtraPlugin 1.0.1 by Mike Rockett
Parsedown Extra Plugin: ParsedownExtraPlugin Textformatter for ProcessWire 2.8+
2019/03/09 — Textformatter Modules1 - TextformatterGlossary 1.0.2 alpha by mr-fan
Autolink from a Glossary: Allows to use tags in textareas to autolink to specific glossary links/replacements.
2018/01/13 — Textformatter Modules0