Markup modules that are called upon to generate or parse markup (like HTML). Markup modules are most often used on the front-end of a site (rather than admin).

  • PageimageSource 1.1.2 by NB Communication
    Extends Pageimage with a srcset property/method plus additional rendering options.
    2024/04/07 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio
  • TextformatterImgDataUri 0.0.7 beta by BitPoet
    Textformatter Image Data URI: Replace image URLs in HTML body with their encoded data URL to speed up page loads
    2024/04/10 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation
  • ProcessMenuBuilder 0.2.7 by kongondo
    Menu Builder: Easily create navigation lists/menus using drag and drop
    2020/10/27 — Markup Generation, Process Modules
  • PageimageSrcset 1.1.1 by NB Communication
    Provides configurable srcset and sizes properties/methods for Pageimage.
    2021/04/07 — Markup Generation, Photo/Video/Audio
  • MarkupCookieConsent 0.3.5 beta by can
    Renders cookie consent information for EU-Cookie-Law
    2019/01/10 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • FieldtypeGrapick 1.0.8 beta by Jacob Gorny
    Grapick: Field that incorporates the Grapick javascript gradient designer and stores an array of 32-bit rgba colors, gradient positions and optionally gradient styles…
    2024/01/30 — Fieldtype Modules, Markup Generation
  • MarkupContentSecurityPolicy 1.1.2 by NB Communication
    Configure and implement a Content Security Policy for all front-end HTML pages.
    2021/08/31 — Markup Generation
  • TemplateEngineLatte 2.1.0 by daun
    Latte templates for the TemplateEngineFactory
    2023/11/22 — Markup Generation, Development Tools
  • TextformatterHannaCode 0.3.2 by Ryan Cramer
    Hanna Code: Easily insert any complex HTML, Javascript or PHP output in your ProcessWire content by creating your own Hanna code tags.
    2022/09/20 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation, Process Modules, Textformatter Modules
  • MarkupSitemap 0.8.2 beta by Mike Rockett
    Sitemap: Renders a sitemap for your ProcessWire powered site. Supports multi-language, multi-site, and image sub-elements. Adapted from MarkupSitemapXML.
    2023/06/02 — Markup Generation, SEO/Accessibility
  • RockFrontend 5.0.0 by bernhard
    Module for easy frontend development
    2025/02/03 — Development Tools, Markup Generation
  • PageMjmlToHtml 1.2.4 beta by EPRC
    MJML to HTML: Allows you to write your Processwire template using MJML and get a converted HTML output using MJML API.
    2024/04/05 — Email/WireMail, Markup Generation
  • EmailObfuscation 1.3.0 by Roope
    Email Obfuscation (EMO): Email Obfuscation module for email addresses with 64 base crypting.
    2023/07/07 — Email/WireMail, Markup Generation
  • CachePlaceholders 1.0.1 by MoritzLost
    Cacheable Placeholders: Allows you to cache dynamic content by using special placeholders that get parsed during every request.
    2024/11/19 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules
  • TemplateEngineSmarty 2.4.0 by wanze
    This module adds the Smarty template engine to the TemplateEngineFactory
    2022/03/31 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules
  • WireframeRendererLatte 0.0.2 beta by Teppo
    Wireframe Renderer: Latte: Latte renderer for the Wireframe output framework.
    2022/07/21 — Development Tools, Markup Generation
  • FieldtypeButton 1.1.0 beta by kixe
    Button Fieldtype: Field that stores 3 values for label, target and class (CSS). Output markup configurable in field settings.
    2023/06/05 — Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Markup Generation
  • Sassify 0.0.6 beta by Rudy Affandi
    Automatically compile Sass/SCSS/Compass in your ProcessWire templates
    2018/12/11 — Development Tools, Markup Generation
  • PageQueryBoss 0.0.6 alpha by noelboss
    A ProcessWire Module to build complex nested queries containing multipple fields and pages and return an array that can be parsed to JSON. This is usefull to…
    2021/06/27 — Import/Export, Markup Generation, Other Modules
  • TextformatterIframeEmbed 0.1.1 by Teppo
    Iframe Embed Text Formatter: Converts iframe URLs prefixed with "iframe/" within paragraph tags into HTML iframe elements.
    2023/08/19 — Textformatter Modules, Markup Generation

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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“Indeed, if ProcessWire can be considered as a CMS in its own right, it also offers all the advantages of a CMF (Content Management Framework). Unlike other solutions, the programmer is not forced to follow the proposed model and can integrate his/her ways of doing things.” —Guy Verville, Spiria Digital Inc.