Modules that have more to do with assisting development of a site rather than managing its content.
Modules 41 to 60 of 103
- PageEditLockFields 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Lock page fields or properties from editing on a page-by-page basis.
2024/03/12 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools1 - ProcessSwitchUser 0.0.6 by Peter Burlingham
Switch User Account: Allows specific users to login as any other user account
2016/07/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Process Modules5 - SessionAllow 0.0.1 alpha by Ryan Cramer
Enables you to configure whether to allow session for each request based on configured rules. Requires PW 3.0.184 or newer.
2021/09/17 — Authentication, Development Tools5 - CachePlaceholders 1.0.1 by MoritzLost
Cacheable Placeholders: Allows you to cache dynamic content by using special placeholders that get parsed during every request.
2024/11/19 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules5 - TemplateEngineSmarty 2.4.0 by wanze
This module adds the Smarty template engine to the TemplateEngineFactory
2022/03/31 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Other Modules3 - AppApiPage 1.0.2 by Sebi
AppApi - Page: AppApiPage adds the /page endpoint to the AppApi routes definition. Makes it possible to query pages via the api.
2022/05/31 — Development Tools3 - WireframeRendererLatte 0.0.2 beta by Teppo
Wireframe Renderer: Latte: Latte renderer for the Wireframe output framework.
2022/07/21 — Development Tools, Markup Generation2 - Sassify 0.0.6 beta by Rudy Affandi
Automatically compile Sass/SCSS/Compass in your ProcessWire templates
2018/12/11 — Development Tools, Markup Generation6 - EventLoader 0.0.3 beta by ukyo (@trk)
Event Loader module module allow you to load events from event files
2023/01/04 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools9 - WireCacheFilesystem 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
WireCache Filesystem cache handler for ProcessWire 3.0.218+: ProcessWire WireCache module that replaces the default cache handler with a file system based cache.
2023/05/26 — Development Tools, Proof of Concept1 - PageRenameOptions 2.0.2 by Adrian Jones
Determine how pages are renamed when the title is changed
2023/09/12 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, SEO/Accessibility29 - PageGridBlocks 1.0.47 by jploch
Install and uninstall PageGrid Blocks
2024/11/17 — Markup Generation, Development Tools2 - ProcessNetteTester 0.1.3 beta by rolandtoth
Run Nette Tester tests within ProcessWire admin
2019/01/13 — Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Other Modules4 - Process404Logger 1.0.7 by kixe
404 Logger: Logs all requests resulting in http error 404
2018/03/17 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Users and Access11 - PageListShowPageId 0.0.1 by soma
Module prepends page ID in the page list tree labels. Only visible for superusers
2017/03/24 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools7 - ProcessPageFieldSelectCreator 0.5.11 by Adrian Jones
Page Field Select Creator: Automated creation of Page fields, along with the templates and page tree for their source.
2021/08/07 — Development Tools, Process Modules29 - MarkupSocialShareButtons 1.0.5 by soma
Social Share Buttons: Simple and lightweight share buttons for your site.
2019/05/20 — Development Tools, Markup Generation, Social, Feeds, Services24