Modules dealing with logins, passwords, 2-factor authentication, etc.
Modules 1 to 20 of 25
- TfaWebAuthn 1.0.1 alpha by Adam Blunt
WebAuthn two-factor authentication: For modern two factor authentication with U2F keys and on-device credentials like Fingerprints/Face
2024/05/20 — Users and Access, Authentication4 - TfaU2F 1.0.3 beta by Adam Blunt
U2F Two Factor Authentication: For two-factor authentication with security keys like Yubikey/Google Titan.
2021/05/04 — Authentication, Users and Access2 - TfaTotp 0.0.4 by Ryan Cramer
TOTP two-factor authentication: For apps like Google Authenticator, Authy, and other TOTP-based authenticator applications. Requires ProcessWire 3.0.109+.
2020/06/26 — Authentication, Users and Access9 - TfaEmail 0.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Email/SMS two-factor authentication: Performs two-factor authentication by sending user an email with a code. Also works with email-to-SMS. Requires ProcessWire 3.0.109+.
2020/06/22 — Authentication, Users and Access9 - SessionLoginAlarm 2.0.6 beta by Netcarver
Notify users of successful login or failed login attempts on their accounts.
2019/07/27 — Admin Helpers, Logs/Monitoring, Users and Access, Authentication3 - SessionAllow 0.0.1 alpha by Ryan Cramer
Enables you to configure whether to allow session for each request based on configured rules. Requires PW 3.0.184 or newer.
2021/09/17 — Authentication, Development Tools6 - SamlAuth 1.3.0 beta by Adam Blunt
SAML Authentication: Add SAML authentication to any ProcessWire website
2020/04/03 — Authentication, Users and Access7 - ProcessIndieAuth 0.2.3 beta by gRegor Morrill
IndieAuth: Use your domain name as an IndieAuth provider
2025/01/26 — Authentication, Process Modules1 - PasswordForceChange 1.0.6 by Adrian Jones
Force Password Change: Force users to change their password.
2024/11/05 — Admin Helpers, Authentication, Users and Access11 - PasswordBannedList 1.0.0 by madhatter
Check an entered password against the 10,000 most common passwords (From this blog: and…
2014/10/15 — Users and Access, Authentication7 - OneTimeOnlyCode 0.0.1 beta by benbyf
OneTimeOnlyCode creates one time only codes that can be used to access specific content
2021/11/15 — Users and Access, Authentication2 - Oauth2Login 1.0.1 by flydev ??
OAuth2 login for ProcessWire
2021/10/24 — Social, Feeds, Services, Users and Access, Authentication2 - LoginWithEmail 0.0.3 beta by noelboss
Simple module that allows login with the user's email address. No configuration required.
2017/09/26 — Users and Access, Authentication9 - LoginTimer 0.0.1 beta by Ryan Cramer
Normalize successful and failed login times to prevent timing attacks.
2023/10/20 — Authentication, Users and Access1 - LoginScheduler 1.2.0 by Teppo
Adds support for enabling or disabling login for users, either instantly or by specifying a time range.
2018/11/07 — Authentication, Users and Access0 - LoginPersist 2.3.0 by Craig Rodway
Persistent Login for users.: Persist user logins across browser sessions.
2023/06/09 — Users and Access, Authentication15 - LoginFacebook 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Login for Facebook: Enables login via Facebook account and PW user creation.
2017/09/22 — Users and Access, Authentication5 - GoogleClientAPI 0.0.4 beta by Ryan Cramer
Connects ProcessWire with the Google Client Library and manages authentication.
2019/07/22 — Authentication, Other Modules4 - FrontendUser 0.9.3 alpha by pwfoo
FrontendUser: login, logout and register users / members: A Processwire module to login, logout and register users / members in the frontend.
2016/09/17 — Users and Access, Authentication12 - EmailVerification 2.0.4 by kixe
E-Mail Verification and Domain Validation via API. Checks an email address against blacklist and availability of mailhost. Blacklisted domains and email…
2018/09/11 — Proof of Concept, Users and Access, Authentication, Email/WireMail3