Admin helper modules are those that provide helpful tools, UI enhancements or optimizations to the admin panel (excluding Fieldtype or Inputfield modules).
Modules 121 to 140 of 238
- Mystique 0.0.21 beta by ukyo (@trk)
Mystique is a config file based field creation module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF by ALTI VE BIR.
2023/01/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules, Language Modules, Other Modules29 - InputfieldMarkupCKEditor 0.1.5 by Robin S
Markup CKEditor (for Form Builder): Inputfield for displaying markup editable via CKEditor. For use with Form Builder module.
2022/08/23 — Admin Helpers4 - Migrations 0.3.2 by lostkobrakai
ProcessWire Migrations module
2022/01/19 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Import/Export, Process Modules12 - LimitedModuleEdit 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
Allows non-superusers to edit a limited selection of modules.
2023/10/12 — Admin Helpers4 - PageimageAssistant 1.0.0 by Horst Nogajski
Pia - Pageimage Assistant: Provide alternative methods for Pageimages (crop, contain, cover, pia) to assist with $options array. Also provide GUI screen for easy and quick changes of…
2017/09/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Photo/Video/Audio38 - PageEditLockFields 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Lock page fields or properties from editing on a page-by-page basis.
2024/03/12 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools1 - FormBuilderDefaultData 0.0.2 by Teppo
Set default data for newly created Form Builder forms.
2023/09/29 — Admin Helpers1 - LimitRepeater 0.2.2 beta by Robin S
Allows limits and restrictions to be placed on selected Repeater fields.
2022/02/19 — Admin Helpers4 - ProcessSetupPageName 2.1.5 beta by kixe
Setup Page Name: Overwrites function setupPageName() in class Pages (core), which is typically called in case of autogeneration of pages. Provides more options for 'Name…
2024/03/28 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules11 - PageReferenceDefaultValue 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
Allows a default value to be defined for certain Page Reference inputfield types that don't already support a default value.
2020/07/19 — Admin Helpers2 - RepeaterDepthHelper 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Enforces some depth rules for Repeater fields on save, and provides a helper method that returns a nested depth structure for a Repeater field value.
2020/06/11 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules6 - TextformatterAutoLinks 0.0.8 by Ryan Cramer
Auto Links: Automatically links any of the configured text phrases to a URL, any time they appear.
2024/06/07 — Textformatter Modules, Admin Helpers2 - FieldtypeYaml 0.3.0 by Horst Nogajski
Field that stores YAML data and formats it as an object, when requested.
2016/11/05 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules9 - Component 0.0.3 beta by ukyo (@trk)
Module help you to create and use set of components to utilise in your ProcessWire page templates.
2025/02/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools5 - ImageFileDependencies 0.0.4 beta by Robin S
Image & File Dependencies: Allows Image and File fields to be used in inputfield dependency selectors. Note: prefix field names with an underscore in your dependency selectors.
2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers1 - PagesAtBottom 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Keeps selected pages at the bottom of their siblings.
2022/11/11 — Admin Helpers4 - HannaCodeDialogTiny 0.1.2 alpha by BitPoet
Hanna Code Dialog for TinyMCE: Enhances the use of Hanna tags in TinyMCE fields, including the dialog-based editing of Hanna tags.
2023/11/04 — Admin Helpers3 - PageListShowPageId 0.0.1 by soma
Module prepends page ID in the page list tree labels. Only visible for superusers
2017/03/24 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools7 - FilesRenameReplace 0.2.3 beta by Robin S
Allows files to be renamed or replaced in Page Edit.
2023/09/11 — Admin Helpers5