Admin helper modules are those that provide helpful tools, UI enhancements or optimizations to the admin panel (excluding Fieldtype or Inputfield modules).
Modules 61 to 80 of 238
- FieldtypeRuntimeOnly 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Runtime Only: An inputfield that renders at runtime, with no data saved to the database.
2021/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules5 - SelectizeAll 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Enables Selectize on all InputfieldSelect and InputfieldAsmSelect fields in the ProcessWire admin.
2023/12/20 — Admin Helpers3 - HelperFieldLinks 1.0.9 by soma
Adds shortcut edit link to all input fields on page edit. Adds shortcut edit link for the selected template. Only visible for superusers.
2019/02/28 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools28 - TagsToFolders 0.0.7 beta by EPRC
This is a small helper tool to visually organise fields/templates into folders in the menu when they are tagged
2024/07/25 — Admin Helpers6 - AdminPreSaveValidation 1.1.2 by thetuningspoon
Pre-Save Validation: Forces admin editors to fix all errors before saving a page.
2023/04/27 — Admin Helpers4 - ImportExternalImages 2.0.15 beta by macrura
For content pasted in textarea fields, this will import external images to the images field.
2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers, Import/Export6 - PageEditRestore 0.0.2 beta by Ryan Cramer
Prevents page edits in the admin from getting lost when a user session is lost.
2023/10/12 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access4 - LimitTable 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
Allows limits and restrictions to be placed on selected Table fields.
2023/09/24 — Admin Helpers4 - PasswordGenerator 0.2.0 beta by Robin S
Adds a password generator to InputfieldPassword.
2024/11/04 — Admin Helpers4 - ProcessPageCloneAdaptUrls 0.0.4 beta by BitPoet
Adapt URLs after Cloning Page(s): ProcessWire module that adapts links and img sources in CKEditor fields when cloning a page or page tree.
2016/03/08 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules3 - SessionViewer 1.0.4 by tcnet
Lists all session files and displays the session data.
2022/02/09 — Proof of Concept, Admin Helpers6 - AdminTemplateColumns 1.0.1 by Peter Burlingham
Adds left and right column fieldsets to use in any admin templates and applies styling to remove their borders and padding
2016/02/10 — Admin Helpers20 - ProcessGeneralSettings 1.2.2 by flydev ??
General settings: Module that stores global site settings
2018/05/11 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - DynamicDescriptionNotes 0.1.10 by Adrian Jones
Dynamic Description & Notes: Lets you insert PW variables and Hanna codes in Description and Note fields.
2024/03/22 — Admin Helpers6 - ProcessTranslatePage 0.0.8 beta by Robert Weiss
TranslatePage (via Fluency): Translates all textfields on a page via Fluency
2022/09/24 — Language Modules, Admin Helpers6 - PageListAutoExpand 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
Automatically expands the next adjacent page when moving a page in Page List.
2023/07/05 — Admin Helpers7 - AlpineJS 0.0.5 beta by Eduardo San Miguel Garcia
Alpine.js: ModuleJS module to add Alpine.js to ProcessWire.
2023/09/26 — Admin Helpers2 - SimpleContactForm 1.0.7 by justb3a
Just a simple contact form for ProcessWire.
2017/11/30 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation22 - InputfieldSelectize 1.2.0 beta by macrura
Inputfield for the ProcessWire FieldtypePage.
2019/06/06 — Admin Helpers5