Admin helper modules are those that provide helpful tools, UI enhancements or optimizations to the admin panel (excluding Fieldtype or Inputfield modules).
Modules 61 to 80 of 238
- RestrictTabView 1.3.1 by Adrian Jones
Restrict access to Page Edit tabs via permissions
2023/04/07 — Admin Helpers11 - Process404Logger 1.0.7 by kixe
404 Logger: Logs all requests resulting in http error 404
2018/03/17 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules, Users and Access11 - ProcessSetupPageName 2.1.5 beta by kixe
Setup Page Name: Overwrites function setupPageName() in class Pages (core), which is typically called in case of autogeneration of pages. Provides more options for 'Name…
2024/03/28 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules11 - ModuleReleaseNotes 0.11.4 beta by Netcarver
Release Notes Discovery Module: Makes discovery of a module's changes, prior to upgrade, a trivial task. Makes support documentation accessible from the admin interface.
2024/05/23 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept11 - ProcessFileManager 1.0.8 by tcnet
File Manager: File Manager for ProcessWire is a module to manager files and folders from the CMS backend.
2022/11/15 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools11 - CustomAdminMenus 0.1.5 beta by Robin S
Adds up to three custom dropdowns to the main admin menu.
2023/12/06 — Admin Helpers11 - ProcessForgotPassword 1.0.0 by Ryan Cramer
Forgot Password (Core): Provides password reset/email capability for the Login process.
2012/07/27 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Users and Access, Core Modules10 - ProcessHello 0.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Process Hello (demo): Demonstrates everything you would need to create a Process module, and more.
2021/10/04 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules10 - AdminRestrictPageTree 1.0.0 alpha by Netcarver
Stops users with certain roles from accessing the page tree.
2014/11/13 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access10 - PageListSelectMultipleQuickly 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
Modifies PageListSelectMultiple to allow you to select multiple pages without the tree closing.
2020/03/26 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules10 - EventLoader 0.0.3 beta by ukyo (@trk)
Event Loader module module allow you to load events from event files
2023/01/04 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools10 - AdminSaveActions 1.0.1 by nik
Module that lets the user choose what happens after a saving a page, template or field.
2013/01/09 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules9 - InlineEditor 0.0.0 alpha by sinmok
An inline, front end editor that uses CKEditor and the HTML5 contenteditable attribute.
2013/05/10 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Proof of Concept9 - FieldtypeYaml 0.3.0 by Horst Nogajski
Field that stores YAML data and formats it as an object, when requested.
2016/11/05 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules, Inputfield Modules9 - AdminThemeCanvas 0.82 beta by jploch
A minimal admin theme with optimised page editor UI, based on Uikit 3. Currently this is an early beta. It's not recommended to use it for producton yet.
2024/11/22 — Admin Styles/Themes, Admin Helpers9 - ProcessMediaLister 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
Media Lister: Lists images and files from across the site in a sortable and filterable table.
2024/06/03 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio9 - LoginNotifier 1.0.2 by Ryan Cramer
Provides ability to send an email, ping a URL or save a log entry when a login occurs.
2012/07/24 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access, Logs/Monitoring8 - RestrictRepeaterMatrix 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Allows restrictions and limits to be placed on Repeater Matrix fields.
2022/01/30 — Admin Helpers8 - FieldtypePageContextData 1.0.7 beta by kixe
Page Reference Context Data: Field that stores one or more references to ProcessWire pages with additional data in field context, editable via page edit modal of the referenced page.
2025/02/22 — Fieldtype Modules, Admin Helpers8 - RepeaterEasySort 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
Adds a compact "easy-sort" mode to Repeater and Repeater Matrix, making those fields easier to sort when there are a large number of items.
2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers8