Admin helper modules are those that provide helpful tools, UI enhancements or optimizations to the admin panel (excluding Fieldtype or Inputfield modules).
Modules 221 to 238 of 238
- ImageFileDependencies 0.0.4 beta by Robin S
Image & File Dependencies: Allows Image and File fields to be used in inputfield dependency selectors. Note: prefix field names with an underscore in your dependency selectors.
2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers1 - RestrictMultiLanguageBranch 0.1.2 beta by Adrian Jones
Restrict Multi-Language Branch: Restrict multi-language by branch.
2018/12/20 — Admin Helpers, Language Modules3 - MarkInPageTree 0.0.4 beta by benbyf
Mark pages in page tree with an icon by field, template or both. Also, add data from page in page tree. E.g. add field counter data along side the page title…
2018/10/06 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Other Modules5 - GuidGenerator 0.0.1 by justb3a
Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID) for Inputfield Text.
2017/03/15 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules0 - PostProcessUrl 0.0.1 beta by benbyf
PostProcessUrl hard truncates name and urls to a choosen length if exceeded where ever a page is saved.
2017/04/30 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules0 - PublishAsHidden 0.0.1 by benbyf
PublishAsHiddenAdds button on first tab of edit page, when unpublished module adds Publish as hidden button which publishs page with flag as hidden.
2017/05/30 — Admin Helpers2 - InputfieldImageMarkdownCodeAdditionalFields 1.0.2 beta by clsource
Image Field Markdown Code Additional Fields: Adds information to image fields. Helpful when using the markdown editor in text fields.
2017/06/14 — Admin Helpers, Markup Generation2 - CheckboxReversed 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
Modifies InputfieldCheckbox so that it shows the reverse of its true value.
2018/02/24 — Admin Helpers0 - ProcessDocumentation 1.0.5 beta by macrura
A process you can use to create documentation pages.
2021/05/17 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules1 - FieldDescriptionsExtended 1.1.1 beta by macrura
Create extended field descriptions and have the longer part hidden with toggle.
2023/04/18 — Admin Helpers1 - AdminActionsUnorderedListToPages 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Unordered List to Pages: Creates a structure of new pages from an unordered list. Addon action for Admin Actions module.
2024/02/15 — Admin Helpers6 - AddTemplateEnhancements 0.1.5 beta by Robin S
Some efficiency enhancements when adding or cloning a template.
2023/07/19 — Admin Helpers3 - RockMailLogger 0.0.1 beta by bernhard
WireMail Mail Logger: Logs all send() operations to the PW logs
2019/08/22 — Admin Helpers2 - ModulesManager2 2.0.103 beta by Jens Martsch - dotnetic
Easily download, install, update, uninstall and configure ProcessWire modules
2020/06/26 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules3 - FlowtiAppPerformance 0.1.1 beta by luis85
Flowti Site Admin Module Profiler: A small ProcessWire module to track a sites admin modules
2021/06/27 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Logs/Monitoring, Process Modules1 - TrelloWire 2.0.0 by MoritzLost
A module providing a bridge to Trello to create cards based on pages.
2020/10/02 — Admin Helpers, Social, Feeds, Services, Other Modules2 - RockFinder2 0.0.6 beta by bernhard
RockFinder2 is the successor to RockFinder v1 and while the changes might not look that big on first sight they are quite huge behind the scenes. In…
2020/06/26 — Admin Helpers1 - ImageThumbnailTags 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
Displays image tags overlaid on the thumbnail using customisable colours.
2020/05/02 — Admin Helpers1