Admin helper modules are those that provide helpful tools, UI enhancements or optimizations to the admin panel (excluding Fieldtype or Inputfield modules).
Modules 141 to 160 of 238
- ProcessGeneralSettings 1.2.2 by flydev ??
General settings: Module that stores global site settings
2018/05/11 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules7 - TemplatesChildPages 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
Templates: Child Pages: For any page, allows the restricting of templates that may be used for child pages.
2018/12/15 — Admin Helpers2 - ProcessSwitchUser 0.0.6 by Peter Burlingham
Switch User Account: Allows specific users to login as any other user account
2016/07/26 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Process Modules5 - AdminOnSteroids 2.0.21 beta by rolandtoth
Various ProcessWire admin tweaks to boost productivity
2020/06/06 — Admin Helpers55 - InputfieldSelectize 1.2.0 beta by macrura
Inputfield for the ProcessWire FieldtypePage.
2019/06/06 — Admin Helpers5 - SelectizeImageTags 0.0.9 beta by macrura
Admin helper for enabling selectize.js on images tags field.
2018/05/01 — Admin Helpers2 - SelectizeTemplateFieldTags 0.1.2 beta by macrura
Selectize Template & Field Tags: Admin helper for enabling selectize tagging on templates.
2021/05/25 — Admin Helpers0 - JquerySelectize 1.0.5 by macrura
Selectize.js Plugin: Provides Selectize.js for use in ProcessWire.
2021/05/07 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Other Modules0 - AdminDeselectRadios 1.0.1 by Netcarver
PW-AdminDeselectRadios: Allows admin-side radio buttons to be deselected.
2016/05/21 — Admin Helpers0 - Migrations 0.3.2 by lostkobrakai
ProcessWire Migrations module
2022/01/19 — Admin Helpers, Development Tools, Import/Export, Process Modules12 - TemplateParents 0.0.7 beta by BitPoet
Template Access by Parents: ProcessWire module that allows limiting templates for new pages based on the parent page. Can be configured for each page individually. Also supports…
2016/05/02 — Admin Helpers, Proof of Concept, Users and Access2 - InputfieldFileSort 1.0.0 by bernhard
Sort Files of an InputfieldFile via Javascript
2016/04/30 — Admin Helpers0 - AdminAutosizeTextareas 1.0.0 beta by Netcarver
Auto-growing textareas in the admin interface.
2016/04/07 — Admin Helpers0 - FrontEndEditLightbox 1.4.0 beta by rolandtoth
Front-End Edit Lightbox: Edit pages on the frontend using lightboxed admin.
2018/06/21 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules15 - MediaLibrary 0.1.6 beta by BitPoet
Simple Media Library module for ProcessWire
2019/11/21 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules, Other Modules12 - JqueryFileUpload 0.0.9 by kongondo
ProcessWire Wrapper for jQuery File Upload Plugin.
2022/10/29 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules12 - ProcessPageCloneAdaptUrls 0.0.4 beta by BitPoet
Adapt URLs after Cloning Page(s): ProcessWire module that adapts links and img sources in CKEditor fields when cloning a page or page tree.
2016/03/08 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules3 - PrevNextTabs 0.1.6 beta by macrura
Prev/Next Tabs: Adds prev/next links (tabs) to page editor.
2020/03/28 — Admin Helpers16 - AdminModalception 1.0.1 by thetuningspoon
Modalception: Improves usability of ProcessWire's modal dialog/popup windows when opened from within another modal window
2016/04/13 — Admin Helpers4