• WebpToJpg 0.2.2 beta by Robin S
    WEBP to JGP: Converts WEBP images to JPG on upload.
    2024/06/04 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio
  • VerifyLinks 0.3.3 beta by Robin S
    Periodically verifies that external links are working and not leading to an error page.
    2024/10/03 — Admin Helpers, Process Modules
  • AdminActionsUnorderedListToPages 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
    Unordered List to Pages: Creates a structure of new pages from an unordered list. Addon action for Admin Actions module.
    2024/02/15 — Admin Helpers
  • UniqueImageVariations 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
    Ensures that all ImageSizer options affect image variation filenames.
    2023/11/10 — Development Tools
  • TemplatesChildPages 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
    Templates: Child Pages: For any page, allows the restricting of templates that may be used for child pages.
    2018/12/15 — Admin Helpers
  • TemplateFieldWidths 0.3.2 beta by Robin S
    Quickly set the widths of inputfields in a template.
    2024/02/18 — Admin Helpers
  • ProcessTemplateAccess 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
    Template Access: Provides an editable overview of roles that can access each template.
    2024/10/14 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access
  • FieldtypeStars 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Stars: Sets a float value by selecting a star rating.
    2023/02/18 — Inputfield Modules, Fieldtype Modules
  • ProcessSessionInfo 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
    Sessions: Lists information about active sessions in a similar way to SessionHandlerDB, but for file-based sessions.
    2024/10/21 — Admin Helpers, Users and Access
  • SelectizeAll 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
    Enables Selectize on all InputfieldSelect and InputfieldAsmSelect fields in the ProcessWire admin.
    2023/12/20 — Admin Helpers
  • SelectOncePerTable 0.2.2 alpha by Robin S
    Adds an option to "select" columns in a ProFields Table field so that each option can only be selected once per table.
    2022/01/27 — Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldSelectImages 0.3.0 beta by Robin S
    Select Images: An inputfield that allows the visual selection and sorting of images, intended for use with FieldtypeDynamicOptions.
    2024/09/15 — Inputfield Modules
  • SearchCorrections 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
    Suggests alternative words for a given input word, useful for expanding search results.
    2024/09/18 — Other Modules, Development Tools
  • SanitizerTransliterate 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Adds a transliterate method to $sanitizer that performs character substitutions as defined in the module config.
    2024/07/26 — Other Modules
  • SanitizerEasySlugger 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Allows the use of the EasySlugger library as Sanitizer methods.
    2023/11/21 — Other Modules
  • FieldtypeRuntimeOnly 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
    Runtime Only: An inputfield that renders at runtime, with no data saved to the database.
    2021/10/26 — Admin Helpers, Fieldtype Modules
  • RestrictRepeaterMatrix 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
    Allows restrictions and limits to be placed on Repeater Matrix fields.
    2022/01/30 — Admin Helpers
  • AdminActionsReplaceHome 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Replace Home: Replaces the template and content of the home page with that of a selected page. An addon action for the Admin Actions module.
    2024/05/17 — Admin Helpers
  • RepeaterImages 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Adds options to modify Repeater fields to make them convenient for "page-per-image" usage.
    2019/08/06 — Admin Helpers
  • RepeaterEasySort 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
    Adds a compact "easy-sort" mode to Repeater and Repeater Matrix, making those fields easier to sort when there are a large number of items.
    2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers
  • RepeaterDepthHelper 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Enforces some depth rules for Repeater fields on save, and provides a helper method that returns a nested depth structure for a Repeater field value.
    2020/06/11 — Admin Helpers, Other Modules
  • ProcessRenderFile 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Render File: A Process module that renders markup from files.
    2024/08/26 — Process Modules, Admin Helpers
  • TextformatterRemoveBlocks 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Remove Blocks: Textformatter that removes blocks of text/markup between configurable delimiters from output.
    2018/09/05 — Textformatter Modules
  • TextformatterProcessImages 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Process Images: A Textformatter that processes <img> tags within rich text content.
    2022/09/26 — Textformatter Modules, Proof of Concept
  • PasswordGenerator 0.2.0 beta by Robin S
    Adds a password generator to InputfieldPassword.
    2024/11/04 — Admin Helpers
  • PageTableExtraActions 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Allows PageTable items to be published/unpublished and hidden/unhidden directly from the inputfield.
    2018/07/14 — Admin Helpers
  • PagesAtBottom 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
    Keeps selected pages at the bottom of their siblings.
    2022/11/11 — Admin Helpers
  • PageReferenceDefaultValue 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Allows a default value to be defined for certain Page Reference inputfield types that don't already support a default value.
    2020/07/19 — Admin Helpers
  • PageListSelectMultipleQuickly 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Modifies PageListSelectMultiple to allow you to select multiple pages without the tree closing.
    2020/03/26 — Admin Helpers, Inputfield Modules
  • PageListAutoExpand 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Automatically expands the next adjacent page when moving a page in Page List.
    2023/07/05 — Admin Helpers
  • PageFieldInfo 0.1.3 beta by Robin S
    Adds information about options in Page Reference fields.
    2024/05/27 — Admin Helpers
  • MinimalFieldset 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
    Adds a config option to fieldsets to render them without label or padding in Page Edit.
    2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers
  • ProcessMediaLister 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
    Media Lister: Lists images and files from across the site in a sortable and filterable table.
    2024/06/03 — Admin Helpers, Photo/Video/Audio
  • InputfieldMarkupCKEditor 0.1.5 by Robin S
    Markup CKEditor (for Form Builder): Inputfield for displaying markup editable via CKEditor. For use with Form Builder module.
    2022/08/23 — Admin Helpers
  • LogsJsonViewer 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Formats JSON data in ProcessLogger for improved readability.
    2024/07/10 — Logs/Monitoring, Admin Helpers
  • ListerToClipboard 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Easily copy a selector for the current Lister filters or selected results to the clipboard.
    2022/10/01 — Development Tools, Admin Helpers
  • ProcessListerSelector 0.1.5 beta by Robin S
    Lister Selector: A Process module that uses Lister/ListerPro, but with a selector string input instead of the normal InputfieldSelector filters.
    2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers
  • ListerNativeDateFormat 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
    Allows the date format for "created", "modified" and "published" columns to be set within a Lister.
    2024/09/05 — Admin Helpers
  • LimitedModuleEdit 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Allows non-superusers to edit a limited selection of modules.
    2023/10/12 — Admin Helpers
  • LimitTable 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
    Allows limits and restrictions to be placed on selected Table fields.
    2023/09/24 — Admin Helpers
  • LimitRepeater 0.2.2 beta by Robin S
    Allows limits and restrictions to be placed on selected Repeater fields.
    2022/02/19 — Admin Helpers
  • LimitPageTable 0.1.10 beta by Robin S
    Allows "Add New" buttons in a PageTable inputfield to be disabled when a defined limit is reached.
    2018/08/11 — Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldSelectorSelectID 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Uses the Page List Select inputfield for user-friendly input of page IDs into Inputfield Selector.
    2020/02/01 — Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldDependencyHelper 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Adds menus to insert field names and option values into show-if/required-if conditions.
    2024/10/02 — Admin Helpers
  • ImageThumbnailTags 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Displays image tags overlaid on the thumbnail using customisable colours.
    2020/05/02 — Admin Helpers
  • ImageMegapixels 0.2.1 beta by Robin S
    Adds methods to Pageimage objects useful for resizing to a target megapixel value.
    2023/09/26 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • ImageCropRatios 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Allows preset aspect ratios to be defined per image field for the ProcessWire image crop tool.
    2020/04/11 — Admin Helpers
  • ImageFileDependencies 0.0.4 beta by Robin S
    Image & File Dependencies: Allows Image and File fields to be used in inputfield dependency selectors. Note: prefix field names with an underscore in your dependency selectors.
    2023/12/21 — Admin Helpers
  • HannaCodeDialog 0.4.4 beta by Robin S
    Enhances the use of Hanna tags in CKEditor fields, including the dialog-based editing of Hanna tags.
    2021/12/15 — Admin Helpers
  • FindMerge 0.1.1 beta by Robin S
    Allows multiple PageFinder selectors to be merged into an efficient paginated set of results.
    2023/11/17 — Other Modules
  • FilesRenameReplace 0.2.3 beta by Robin S
    Allows files to be renamed or replaced in Page Edit.
    2023/09/11 — Admin Helpers
  • FileMover 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    Allows the selection of files or images for moving or copying to a different field.
    2024/08/01 — Admin Helpers
  • TextformatterFileInfo 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
    File Info: Textformatter that adds information about linked files as extra markup, or as data attributes on the link.
    2024/02/27 — Textformatter Modules
  • FieldInitialValue 0.1.2 beta by Robin S
    For most field types, allows the definition of an initial value that is automatically set when pages are created.
    2024/11/09 — Admin Helpers
  • InputfieldEasyMDE 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    EasyMDE: EasyMDE is a Markdown editor with some nice features, allowing users who may be less experienced with Markdown to use familiar toolbar buttons and shortcuts.
    2020/12/18 — Inputfield Modules
  • FieldtypeDynamicOptions 0.1.8 beta by Robin S
    Dynamic Options: A Fieldtype for dynamic options that are generated at runtime via a hook.
    2024/09/03 — Fieldtype Modules
  • DelayedImageVariations 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
    Delays the creation of image variations until their individual URLs are loaded.
    2024/01/24 — Development Tools
  • CustomPaths 0.1.4 beta by Robin S
    Allows any page to have a custom path/URL.
    2020/09/16 — Other Modules
  • CustomLogs 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Write to and view log files that have custom column labels and column count.
    2024/07/09 — Logs/Monitoring, Admin Helpers
  • CustomInputfieldDependencies 0.3.0 beta by Robin S
    Extends inputfield dependencies so that inputfield visibility or required status may be determined at runtime by selector or custom PHP code.
    2024/06/01 — Admin Helpers
  • CustomAdminMenus 0.1.5 beta by Robin S
    Adds up to three custom dropdowns to the main admin menu.
    2023/12/06 — Admin Helpers
  • CopyMarkdown 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Adds icons to images and files that allow you to copy a Markdown string to the clipboard. When you click the icon a message at the top left of the screen…
    2021/05/04 — Admin Helpers
  • ConnectPageFields 0.3.7 beta by Robin S
    Allows the connecting of two related Page fields so that changing one updates the other.
    2024/04/11 — Admin Helpers
  • CkeLinkFiles 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
    CKEditor Link Files: Adds a menu to CKEditor to allow the quick insertion of links to files.
    2019/11/07 — Admin Helpers
  • CheckboxReversed 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Modifies InputfieldCheckbox so that it shows the reverse of its true value.
    2018/02/24 — Admin Helpers
  • BreadcrumbDropdowns 0.3.12 beta by Robin S
    Adds dropdown menus of page edit links to the breadcrumbs in Page Edit.
    2024/10/30 — Admin Helpers
  • AutocompleteModuleClassName 0.1.6 beta by Robin S
    Provides autocomplete suggestions for the "Add Module From Directory" field.
    2023/04/27 — Admin Helpers
  • AutoTemplateStubs 0.3.1 beta by Robin S
    Automatically creates stub files for templates when fields or fieldgroups are saved.
    2024/10/30 — Development Tools
  • AutoAvif 0.1.0 beta by Robin S
    Automatically generates AVIF files when image variations are created.
    2024/02/23 — Photo/Video/Audio
  • AddTemplateEnhancements 0.1.5 beta by Robin S
    Some efficiency enhancements when adding or cloning a template.
    2023/07/19 — Admin Helpers
  • AddImageUrls 0.3.6 beta by Robin S
    Allows images/files to be added to Image/File fields by pasting URLs.
    2024/11/12 — Admin Helpers
  • AccessByQueryString 0.1.7 beta by Robin S
    Grant/deny access to pages according to query string.
    2022/05/02 — Authentication, Development Tools

The modules directory is powered by ProcessWire with the FormBuilder and LoginRegisterPro modules.

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