AdoptDefaultsFromParents by blynx

Fills fields of newly added pages with corresponding field-values of their parents. Configurable by setting "giving templates" and "adopting fields".


Automatically fills fields of new pages with corresponding values of their parents.


Either install it manually:

  • by moving the folder to your /site/modules directory
  • going to the module-page in the processwire admin interface
  • hitting the refresh button (the module will appear on top of the page)
  • then clicking the install button next to it and follow further instructions

or automatically by one of the options listed here:

How to use

In the configuration of this module you have to set templates which are able to give field values and fields which are able to receive values. Then, this module automatically applies field values to every newly added page from their parents according to those settings.

Additionally you may switch between the immediate parent or the closest parent which has the wanted field. ... Might be usefull, but I am not sure ...

Namespace for Processwire 3

Namespace is commented out for now, since I use this module in a 2.7 installation. Feel free to uncomment the namespace declaration.

Install and use modules at your own risk. Always have a site and database backup before installing new modules.

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