ProcessWire 3.0.9 adds new long-click and save actions
ProcessWire 3.0.9
For this week we've got a new version of ProcessWire 3.x, version 3.0.9. This version adds some useful UI enhancements in the admin that were originally envisioned by members of the ProcessWire community. ProcessWire 3.0.9 and also has a few other refactoring, bug fixes and tweaks.
Back in December, forum member matjazp sent over a module to me that he had made with another forum member tpr, which he said was itself based on ideas from an earlier module called FancyAdminMode by Soma. The concept is to enable modal editing of pages from within the page list.
The module by matjazp and tpr enabled modal editing of a page when the page label was long-clicked. After using it several times I found it to be very useful and thought it was something you would like too, though taken a little further, and with a slightly different implementation.
This week we implemented long-click actions in the page list for the "edit" and "view" actions. If you click and hold either of those actions for about a second, it'll open the action in a modal window rather than in the current window. This can be really handy when you want to make a quick edit, or quickly view the page on the front-end.
We've also added a similar long-click action in the page editor for the "View" tab. Currently if you click the "View" tab, it takes you to the front-end of your site to view the page. We've updated it so that if you long-click that "View" tab, then it opens the page on the front-end of your site in a modal window.
New page-edit save actions
Some of you might be familiar with the Admin Save Actions module by Nik, released back in January 2013. We've added something similar in utility to the core page editor, though with a different implementation.
Here's how it works: any "save" or "publish" buttons in the page editor work the same as usual. But if you hover your mouse over the button for a little under a second (700ms to be exact) a dropdown appears with the button, giving you additional actions you can perform in addition to the save/publish operation.
These actions are primarily focused on things you are most likely to do after submitting the page edit form, such as exiting and returning to the page list, viewing the page, or adding another page of the same type.
I've found this to be quite handy in testing here this week, as it can very often save a step, and thus time. We'll likely be expanding support for this elsewhere in the admin, and building support directly into our InputfieldSubmit module so that the capability can be easily used by 3rd party modules too.
New version of ProDrafts released
Last week we released the initial beta of ProDrafts, version 1. This week we've released version 2, which is still beta, though we've not had any major issue reports so ProDrafts may be out of beta in as soon as next week. The ProDrafts coupon code PWPD-BETA will expire on on March 1 (Tuesday). Version 2 greatly expands on what ProDrafts can do:
New "Live Preview" mode lets you edit your page while seeing updates on the front-end in real time. There is also a new documentation section available for live preview.
The new "View Both" feature lets you view draft and published versions of a page, together, side-by-side.
The Drafts manager has received several minor enhancements, giving you more information for each draft.
There is now a "confirm before publish" option, which provides a confirmation dialog for those that want it.
The timings for automatic save and live preview are now configurable in the module settings, letting you choose whether to give priority to update frequency or resource conservation. The defaults are based on a safe middle ground.
ProDrafts video demonstrates some of the new features
I posted this video in the forum earlier this week, so if you are a regular there you have probably already seen it. But just in case you haven't, here's a short video that demonstrates some of the new features described above.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I was using processwire module "PROCESSWIRE UPGRADE" which I noticed now it is not mentioning compatibility with version 3.0 .... this might the problem for the fail update..
This is the first time when I am not able to update processwire (to version 3.0.9). When trying to update, I get the message that processwire is not doing a DB backup automatically (which before it always did) and after confirming this the process ends in "The process returned no content." and a bunch of notifications error, the main one being "ProcessWireUpgrade: Unable to locate ZIP: F:/server_adi_2/". I have to mention that processwire did create the folder and files for version 3.0.9 but it failed to replace the old ones with this ones.
This week we've got a really nice improvement to ProcessWire's page tree. We've also got some new updates on ProDrafts, as we're just about ready to release it. More
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ProcessWire 3.0.244 new main/master version ProcessWire 3.0.244 is our newest main/master/stable version. It's been more than a year in the making and is packed with tons of new features, issue fixes, optimizations and more. This post covers all the details.
Blog / 18 January 2025
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- 9 years ago
- 20
★★★★★Great as always!
I really love the admin improvements, both look really useful even though I haven't tried them, but I will soon :D
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I was using processwire module "PROCESSWIRE UPGRADE" which I noticed now it is not mentioning compatibility with version 3.0 .... this might the problem for the fail update..
I really like the action improvements, but I feel the usability could use some improvements.
I think a bi-mode button might be better.
Hi Adrian and sorry for late reply.
Yes, I tried 3 times to do the update through PW Upgrade, all failed with the same error.
In the end I ended doing the update manually.
This is the first time when I am not able to update processwire (to version 3.0.9). When trying to update, I get the message that processwire is not doing a DB backup automatically (which before it always did) and after confirming this the process ends in "The process returned no content." and a bunch of notifications error, the main one being "ProcessWireUpgrade: Unable to locate ZIP: F:/server_adi_2/". I have to mention that processwire did create the folder and files for version 3.0.9 but it failed to replace the old ones with this ones.
Any help ? Thank you.
PW Upgrade does work with version PW 3.x, but the automatic backup doesn't work.
I haven't seen those errors though - does it do this consistently? Have you tried to run the upgrade again?