FormBuilder v38 released

In this week’s post we’ll shift focus a bit and take a look at the latest version of FormBuilder (v38) just released today. It ends up being a fairly major release with a lot of new additions, optimizations and updates.

This version of FormBuilder is now ProcessWire 3.x native so likewise requires a ProcessWire 3.x version (3.0.123 or newer recommended). This version also includes the optional Stripe Payment for FormBuilder module. Current FormBuilder subscribers can download this latest version, as well as the Stripe payment module, from the FormBuilder support board download thread.

FormBuilder v38 changelog

  • Added support for importing fields and/or form properties into existing forms, enabling you to essentially merge forms. The import tool provides checkboxes and diffs enabling you to select what specific fields and/or properties you want to import.

  • Added support for new Stripe payment for FormBuilder module. This module can be downloaded from the FormBuilder support board download thread.

  • Output framework updates to latest Bootstrap (v4.3), Foundation (v6) and Uikit 3 (v3.1.4) and Uikit 2 (v2.27.5) versions. The older Legacy and Admin frameworks have also been removed as options, except for older installations that already have them in use.

  • The "Basic" output framework has been rebuilt with various improvements. This framework is just a small CSS file (now SCSS), suitable for expanding from for your own CSS styling of FormBuilder forms. However, it's quite a bit improved in appearance from before.

  • Added ability to specify which WireMail module should be used for transactional email sent by FormBuilder (in the module config).

  • Refactor of all FormBuilder classes in order to make them all use the ProcessWire namespace. This means FormBuilder no longer needs to be compiled by PW 3.x FileCompiler and instead operates as a native PW 3.x module.

  • Add auto-responder "from" name and "reply-to" email address settings.

  • Added support for downloading form export (JSON) in addition to the existing select and "copy" option. This option only appears if your PW core version is 3.0.132 (next week's version) or newer.

  • Add new "Use UTF-8 BOM in CSV?" module config setting for form entries CSV exports, which some versions of Excel require in order to recognize the CSV as using the UTF-8 charset.

  • Refactored the FormBuilder module config screen to look better and organize all related settings into fieldsets.

  • Added support for direct modal edit links on the entries screen.

  • Added ability in module config to specify the default "from" email address to use for emails sent by FormBuilder.

  • Schema change to database so that entry "created" date is not updated automatically whenever the entry is updated.

Additional upcoming features for FormBuilder

Features planned or already in progress for upcoming versions of FormBuilder include the following:

  • Support for multi-page (paginated) forms.

  • New action to push FormBuilder entries into Google Sheets (in collaboration with an upcoming GoogleClientAPI module update).

  • Dedicated image upload field, independent of the existing file upload field.

  • Support for additional third party spam prevention services.

  • Built-in ReCaptcha support in addition to all the existing spam prevention features.

  • Option for remembering form values in cookies, useful for cases where a user may need to re-complete forms multiple times on a site for one reason or another.

  • Ability to import form entries (in addition to existing export functions).

  • Dedicated ajax-driven auto-complete Inputfield that can safely be used on the front-end.

  • Expanded "basic" framework that includes ability to configure font and color settings in the admin, without using SCSS/CSS.


Screenshot of new form import/merge function

Screenshot of new module config screen

Screenshot of Stripe field settings

More information about the Stripe payment field can be found here.

This week I also put quite a bit of work into the new RepeaterMatrix version. It's not quite ready this week, but could be as soon as next week. The new version focuses primarily in implementing the queue of requested features from the RepeaterMatrix support board. Next week I'll be back with a new core version (3.0.132) and hoping to get Horst's new webp support added as well. Until then, hope that you have a great weekend and week ahead, and enjoy reading the ProcessWire Weekly this weekend!


  • Noel


    • 5 years ago
    • 21

    Wow, really nice additions, also looking forward to some of the features that are yet to be released. Great work Ryan. Thanks!!!

  • renobird


    • 5 years ago
    • 20

    We use FormBuilder heavily around here — this is an excellent set of upgrades. Thanks Ryan!


PrevProcessWire 3.0.131 core updates


ProcessWire 3.0.131 adds support for partial/resumable downloads and http stream delivery, and contains several updates to our comments system, among other updates. More 

NextLots of module updates


In this post we take a quick look at the new version of ProFields Repeater Matrix, yet another new version of FormBuilder, and a new version of the GoogleClientAPI module. More 

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