Guides and tutorials

Posts 1 to 15 of 20

Invoices Site Profile

The new invoices site profile is a free invoicing application developed in ProcessWire. It enables you to create invoices, record payments to them, email invoices to clients, print invoices, and more. This post covers all the details. More 

Timing attacks and how to prevent them

This week we'll take a look at a new (but simple) module available for ProcessWire that helps to prevent timing attacks. We'll cover what timing attacks are, how they work, and how to prevent them. More 

Output formatting in ProcessWire


Pages have fields, fields have values, and those values can be either formatted or unformatted in ProcessWire. This post tells you everything you need to know about output formatting and how to use it to your benefit. More 

Using TinyMCE 6 in ProcessWire


The TinyMCE 6 rich text editor opens up a lot of new and useful abilities for ProcessWire users. In this post, we'll take a look at a few of them, and how you can start using them now, with a focus on those that are unique to ProcessWire's adaptation of TinyMCE. More 

Starting a site with the “blank” profile


ProcessWire 3.0.200+ comes with just 1 site installation profile, the site-blank profile. This profile makes very few assumptions, making it a minimal though excellent starting point. Here’s how you might use it.  More 

ProcessWire 3.0.181 core updates + “Hello World”


ProcessWire 3.0.181 has fixes and improvements as usual, but the biggest addition is a nice pull request from LostKobrakai, plus major updates to our Helloworld and ProcessHello demonstration modules. This post covers it all. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.177 core updates


This week we focus in on a new and unique Inputfield module added to the core that enables a lot of useful new input capabilities for tags, sortable multiple selection and custom user input. More 

WebP images on an existing site


In this post we’ll look at a process used for migrating an existing website to use WebP images. We’ll cover everything from preliminary considerations to implementation and testing, with lots of tips and tricks along the way. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.137 core updates


Core version 3.0.137 on the dev branch adds the ability to hook multiple methods at once, in a single call. This post details how it works and provides a useful example of how you might put it to use in your development environment. This version also refactors and improves upon several core classes. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.135 core updates

Version 3.0.135 of ProcessWire on the dev branch focuses on .htaccess updates, adds additional layers of security, adds clarity to debug mode, and improves upon the installer. More 

Using InnoDB with ProcessWire


This week we take a look at a couple of reasons why you might want to choose InnoDB as your MySQL database engine when installing ProcessWire. More 

Latest news

  • Custom Fields Module
    This week we look at a new ProFields module named Custom Fields. This module provides a way to rapidly build out ProcessWire fields that contain any number of subfields/properties within them.
    Blog / 30 August 2024
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