Admin environment

Posts 31 to 42 of 42

ProcessWire 3.0.85 core updates

Version 3.0.85 of the ProcessWire core has numerous small adjustments and tweaks, plus it adds new collapsed notifications support and new configurable labels for checkbox fields. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.84 core updates


This week we've got a newly updated ProcessWire installer, some nice upgrades to our user profile editor, along with more updates to the new Uikit admin theme that was recently added to the core. More 

More admin theme updates


This week we're getting down into some of the smaller details of the Uikit admin theme. We take a look at that in this post, along with a couple of screenshots. More 

Uikit 3 admin theme updates


This week we've got another update to the new Uikit 3 based admin theme, AdminThemeUikit. It now has the flavor of Tom Reno's fantastic AdminThemeReno, and we think you'll like the result. In this post we take a closer look with screenshots and more. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.73 and new Fieldset types


This post is all about fieldsets in ProcessWire. Version 3.0.73 adds some nice UI upgrades when it comes to working with them. Plus we cover two new modules we have in development for managing groups of fields in fieldsets. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.61 master


This week we've merged the dev branch to the master branch for ProcessWire version 3.0.61 master. This replaces the existing master version 3.0.42. There is quite a lot in this new version and we'll cover much of it here in this post. More 

ProcessWire 3.0.55 core updates


This week we’ve got a new core version on the dev branch (3.0.55). This version has a whole bunch of fixes and adjustments. It also adds a new drop-down page tree that we cover in more detail in this blog post. More 

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