WireSaveableItems class

Located in file /wire/core/WireSaveableItems.php

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the WireSaveableItems class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Wire.

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WireSaveableItems::added(Saveable $item)
(nothing)Hook that runs right after a new item has been added.
WireSaveableItems::clone(Saveable $item)
bool SaveableCreate and return a cloned copy of this item
WireSaveableItems::cloneReady(Saveable $item, Saveable $copy)
(nothing)Hook that runs right before item is to be cloned.
WireSaveableItems::cloned(Saveable $item, Saveable $copy)
(nothing)Hook that runs right after an item has been cloned.
WireSaveableItems::delete(Saveable $item)
boolDelete the provided item from the database
WireSaveableItems::deleteReady(Saveable $item)
(nothing)Hook that runs right before item is to be deleted.
WireSaveableItems::deleted(Saveable $item)
(nothing)Hook that runs right after an item has been deleted.
WireSaveableItems::error(string $text)
Wire WireSaveableItemsRecord an error
WireArrayFind items based on Selectors or selector string
array mixed null Page Saveable Wire WireDataGet an item 
WireArrayReturn the WireArray that this DAO stores it's items in 
stringReturn the default name of the field that load() should sort by (default is none) 
stringReturn the name of the table that this DAO stores item records in 
boolDo we have the given item or item by given key? 
WireSaveableItems::load(WireArray $items)
WireLogSave to activity log, if enabled in config 
Saveable WireReturn a new blank item 
Saveable WireData WireMake an item and populate with given data 
WireSaveableItems::renameReady(Saveable $item, string $oldName, string $newName)
(nothing)Hook that runs right before item is to be renamed.
WireSaveableItems::renamed(Saveable $item, string $oldName, string $newName)
(nothing)Hook that runs right after an item has been renamed.
WireSaveableItems::save(Saveable $item)
boolSave the provided item to database
WireSaveableItems::saveReady(Saveable $item)
(nothing)Hook that runs right before item is to be saved.
WireSaveableItems::saved(Saveable $item)
(nothing)Hook that runs right after an item has been saved.
boolEnforce no locally-scoped fuel for this class 
boolUse lazy loading for this type? 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, WireSaveableItems also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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