WireInputData::findOne() method

Find one input var that matches given pattern in name (or optionally value)

Available since version 3.0.163.


// basic usage
$string = $wireInputData->findOne(string $pattern);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $wireInputData->findOne(string $pattern, $options = []);



Wildcard string or PCRE regular expression

options (optional)array, int, string
  • type (string): Specify "value" to match input value (rather input name), OR prefix pattern with "value=".
  • sanitizer (string): Name of sanitizer to run values through (default='', none)
  • arrays (bool): Also find on input varibles that are arrays? (default=false)

Return value

string int float array null

$value Returns value if found or null if not.

WireInputData methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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