WireInputDataCookie::set() method

Set a cookie (optionally with options)

The defaults or previously set options from an options() method call are used for any $options not specified.

Available since version 3.0.141.


$input->cookie->foo = 'bar'; // set with default options (expires with session)
$input->cookie->set('foo', 'bar'); // same as above
$input->cookie->set('foo', bar', 86400); // expire after 86400 seconds (1 day)
$input->cookie->set('foo', 'bar', [ // set with options
  'age' => 86400,
  'path' => $page->url,
  'httponly' => true,


// basic usage
$wireInputDataCookie->set(string $key, string $value);

// usage with all arguments
$wireInputDataCookie->set(string $key, string $value, $options = []);



Cookie name


Cookie value

options (optional)array, int, string

Specify int for age option, string for expire option, or array for multiple options:

  • age (int): Max age of cookies in seconds or 0 to expire with session. For example: 3600=1 hour, 86400=1 day, 604800=1 week, 2592000=30 days, etc. (default=0, expire with session)
  • expire (int|string): If you prefer to use an expiration date rather than the age option, specify a unix timestamp (int), ISO-8601 date string, or any date string recognized by PHP’s strtotime(), like "2020-11-03" or +1 WEEK", etc. (default=null). Please note the expire option was added in 3.0.159, previous versions should use the age option only.
  • path (string|null): Cookie path/URL or null for PW installation’s root URL. (default=null)
  • secure (bool|null): Transmit cookies only over secure HTTPS connection? Specify true or false, or use null to auto-detect, which uses true for cookies set when HTTPS is detected. (default=null)
  • httponly (bool): When true, cookie is visible to PHP/ProcessWire only and not visible to client-side JS code. (default=false)
  • fallback (bool): If set cookie fails (perhaps due to output already sent), attempt to set at beginning of next request? (default=true)
  • domain (string|bool|null): Cookie domain, specify one of the following: null or blank string for current hostname [default], boolean true for all subdomains of current domain, domain.com for domain.com and *.domain.com [same as true], www.domain.com for www subdomain and and hostnames off of it, like dev.www.domain.com. (default=null, current hostname)

Return value


Object instance it was called from (method supports fluent interface).

WireInputDataCookie methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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